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Sensitivity to Light,Sound and Vision Changes


Senior Member
I become very sensitive to light and sound many times and am experiencing vision difficulties like strained vision,blurriness, and momentary blind spots. On the active b12 protocol for now. Anyone experiencing/experienced the same? Do share.



Senior Member
Sth Australia
i too can get blurred vision. For myself it tends to happen when Im tired or affected by the POTS. I dont get blind spots but get complete vision loss (so I just see only blackness) with the POTS at times.

Light sensitivity.. I find quite unpleasant when I have that.. Id rather be getting the bouts of momentary complete blindness. The light sensitivity has in the past sent me in to seizure like episodes along with giving me other symptoms eg sore eyes so Im struggling to see and hurting my head.

I currently have my bedroom window completely boarded up so when I need complete darkness, I can have it and also so I dont wake at first light. (it helps too with getting rid of a headache).
Wausau, WI
Definitely. I have extremely bad chemical and food sensitivity, and last week, after a couple hours at my friend's house (she uses plug-ins and scented products in her house), by the time I got home I could literally barely see. My vision had become so clouded over I felt practically blind. My vision fluctuates greatly based on what I'm exposed to. Artificial lighting, of any sort, makes my vision go dizzy and blurry as well. Like a headache and I just want to go to bed -- I experience this every night as there comes a point where you have to turn lights on. Thank God for long summer days, winter will force me back into this place of artificial lighting more again...


Boswellia for lungs and MC stabllizing
k8518704 USA
I'm possibly quite the opposite here. For many years, I could not go outside without sunglasses even on the most overcast of days. I would squint like crazy without sunglasses (however with no eye pain).

But on this past Friday, I went up and back on a trail for 90 minutes and I didn't need sunglasses, even in direct blazing light. The difference was astounding. I had started sublingual methylcobalamin the day before, 2 x 1000 mcg. However, I also had taken a pseudo ephedrine right before the walk.

So today I went outside in blazing sun for a few minutes, with no pseudo ephedrine. I have continued daily b12. The results? My eyes are better than they had been in the sun for years, but maybe not so great as Friday. Maybe the ephedrine gave some pupil constriction that also had helped. More testing to be done.

P.S. The pseudo ephedrine gave me much better breathing - which is what I had been intentionally testing for.

[edit: except that pseudoephedrine probably dilates pupils, so however it might have helped with photosensitivity (if in fact it did), there must be some other reason)


Boswellia for lungs and MC stabllizing
k8518704 USA
Also as a whole separate consideration: when I am sick, I can get terribly burning eyes and blurry vision. I believe that's a histamine effect.

Lately, it's been a daily thing that I have mildly burning eyes, usually somewhat worse in the mornings.


Senior Member
Yes me too arx - but a little while ago and hoping no repeat. Sound (and light) intolerable, vision blurred and loss of refocussing. Very ill at the time and mostly bedbound, sinuses blocked/painful, cognitive problems. Always thought some virus very active at that time. Can't think what specifically aided though - it's DIY in the UK so heaps of all the various recognised ME supplements taken at various times. Hope someone will step in for you - I'm still not well and work only within my limitations but at least that seems to be better now.


Senior Member
In hindsight nanonug (this severity 9 years ago) GI problems more to do with motility or lack of in the whole tract. Not too aware of all the symptoms presenting but unable to breathe - woken in the middle of the night and had to force breathing (like polio), heart either sudden racing or slowed, rash on the chest (like chicken pox), and passed out three times briefly. GI problems are now very loose and a KDM neourotoxic test showed the highest mark, so my efforts have been the 3 R's - remove, replace, reinoculate - high dose Amoxcillan (would you believe for teeth extractions), followed by masses of probiotics seems to eased the situation somewhat. My tentative thoughts - something (enteroviral) "clobbers" the immune system allowing expression of latent viral activity normally kept under control.


Senior Member
I'm no scientist nanonug, but that does seem pretty persuasive - I should add 4 problems at worst not mentioned - a) urine new and unpleasant odour (also neon yellow at times - potassium leach ?). b) faeces alternatively pale or very dark in colour. c) MRI brain scan showed patchy "high spots". d) Hypothyroidism eventually revealed - 100 mcg thyroxine needed daily now. e) nodules not breaking the surface appearing in the nose and mouth linings. Nothing "infectious" found as usual. Pathologically altered mast cells since found must surely be part of the conundrum it seems. (Forgot to add Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis have developed as per the symptoms listed MCAS).

I should add for anyone reading - I lost my memory, recognitions and unable to think or put two words together in the bad old days - that is now restored. It is reversible.


Senior Member
I feel less sensitive to light and sound these days. Guess it's one of those intermittent effects that are part of the protocol.


Senior Member
Thanks Looking for Clues - this was a long period some time ago before severity set in - strangely that has resolved at least and urine returned to odourless straw colour again. I've seen the problem with other members - consistancy and colour changes too, my own showing high levels of potassium excretion at times. Bod's chemistry I would guess. - what a conundrum ME is - but being unravelled now. Urine excretion anomolies thread by merylg in CFS seems to explain much.


almost there...
Laurentians, Quebec
I get this weird neurological reaction when my electrical sensitivity is flaring. The unsettling feeling that I could be destroyed by sound. Even a whisper if it's sudden. I've often thought this was similar to what those poor folks with earplugs in darkened rooms describe. My only way of keeping it at bay is by controlling my EHS through a low mineral diet.


Senior Member
I get this weird neurological reaction when my electrical sensitivity is flaring. The unsettling feeling that I could be destroyed by sound. Even a whisper if it's sudden. I've often thought this was similar to what those poor folks with earplugs in darkened rooms describe. My only way of keeping it at bay is by controlling my EHS through a low mineral diet.

Yes, I get that too.I used to describe it as 'electricity in my nerves' when I initially got sick. Now for me, they're all part of the wired/over-stimulation I experience, which might be a startup/detox reaction to supplements. You're right, even a whisper is sudden. It almost feels like a terrible hangover, where anything is enough to stimulate the sensory perception. It's one of those intermittent things. They come and go, but I've also experienced them as a result of low potassium.