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Selling and Moving


Senior Member
Well I finally did it. After fighting to live in a pretty place that takes care of everything which left me house poor, I've decided to sell and get a less expensive place. This may kill me because the move 7 years ago, almost did but I'm tired of living in a pleasant place and always worrying about money. It was a difficult decision because I'm in bed most of the time anyway so who cares about funds for food or medicine and paying co-pays.

I do.

I can only process this one step at a time but already, I can't sleep, am irritable, can't spend much time watching TV or on the computer. My brain is fried.

My realtor knows I can't get out of my house for showings until 3:00pm, nobody calls me before noon, and visits have to be short. We may have sold my house already but house inspection and so many other things delay actually saying "It is sold".

I became weary of family suggesting what to do, getting their hand-outs (it's humiliating to me), and being the buzz of conversation. One sister helped me with just writing my checks, realizing how little I had left in my check book went back to work crying told my brother and other sister about my plight got some money rounded up for me but never helped me with my bill paying again.

They could never live my life, they'd never survive.

So please wish me well in my latest challenge and hope I find a place that's peaceful and affordable.
Sorry you have to move. I know how hard those decisions are, so it's brave of you to decide and do this.

I hope you have a quick sale, and find a great new place.

They could never live my life, they'd never survive.

I get that. Most people think they understand, and they aren't even close.


Senior Member
Wishing you the best. Moving is hard for anyone, but especially PWME. I hope your new place is better suited to your current situation and you can feel more peaceful in the future.


Senior Member
good luck @PNR2008 So brave you're going through with this despite all the hurdles. I wish you a peaceful and affordable home, asap! :hug:


Senior Member
We just sold our house back in July, and we are definitely in a better place even though it is only an apartment. I hope you sell yours quickly, for the price you are asking, and that you find an equally pleasing but less expensive place to live!:):balanced::balloons:


Senior Member
All the very best to you PNR. I can only imagine how it would be to up and move. It takes courage to do what you know is right for you. You're very brave!


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
My house is sold and the next step is finding a place in my price range that is one floor, allows pets, is quiet and close, all in 55 days. EEK!
Let's just call up some :star: type bounty from the :globe: and LET IT HAPPEN!


Senior Member
North Carolina
We just went through a move too..our house sold in one day and we had to be out within five weeks. I didn't want to sell and move since we had only been there 19 months but my husband was transferred back to his former job.

It was so difficult since I was left behind to do showings..inspections...and pack.

We are currently living with relatives as our house isn't built yet..been three months and talk about stress.

I wish you well in your move and that it goes smoothly with as less stress as possible.

I don't think I have recovered yet and have days where I can't function at all.


Senior Member
My house is sold and the next step is finding a place in my price range that is one floor, allows pets, is quiet and close, all in 55 days. EEK!

@PNR2008 Will also send up prayers and good thoughts to the universe for you and know that it can be done. We had to be out of our rented condo immediately once we knew it was infested with toxic mold. We then made a bad choice with an apt that did not work out, then stayed with my parents for almost six months while trying to remedy it. But ultimately, we found an amazing place that was exactly as you described "one floor, allows pets, quiet, and close" ... plus in my case no new paint or strong smells-- and it has worked out really well (although we lost an unbelievable amount of money in the transition!) But my point is that it can be done and will happen for you!