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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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Senior Member
Sth Australia
I just had another seizure so right now feeling unsettled over it. Pity its a Sunday as I would be otherwise ringing my GP, its pointless going down to the local hospital as they cant do EEGs here. I have no one who can take me to a city hospital for a brain scan (my boyfriend is with his wife on weekends so he isnt able to help and he's the only help I get).

I missed my last brain scan appointment after the wait for 5mths for the appointment to come up as I forgot about it :( .

(my previous brainscans have common ME abnormality showing on them but didnt show up epilespy... my specialist thou thinks I may of developed epilepsy but that dont appearly always show on a scan unless one is having a seizure at the time.. and hence i was meant to have a brain scan after my last seizure as my specialist is hoping to pick up the epilepsy? at some point..

***feeling like kicking myself for forgetting after having to wait for it for so long***).

my head is feeling weird a little right now (after effect of what happened) but Im okay.

Can anyone tell me what kind of seizures these are likely to be? (my specialist isnt a neurologist).

Todays one was caused by getting up (so orthostatic seizure???), years ago ..beginning of ME I used to suffer constant low BP but the collapses on getting up due to that, were just black outs with no shaking at all present. The seizures I get now can be caused also by extreme stress.

Todays started off like it was just going to be a normal POTS black out or collapse. I went blind (blackness) and collapsed straight down to the floor. I partly lost awareness but did still maintain some.. I was aware of my hands flapping about but that is it. This lasted for about 10 seconds with my hands quite violently being shaken (i dont know what the rest of my body was doing but I suppose my arms must of been moving about to make my hands do that).


Senior Member
Tania I have seizure or seizure - like activity usually occuring in response to hormone shifts. I think at that time inflammation is increased - unsure but just my pattern. Have you noticed any pattern to these. I havent had a typical seizure but I do have abnormal brain activity resulting in some kind of seizure unidentified as yet. My head (noises) and balance are also knocked off by these things happening. I know there are autonomic type seizures but i cant say what s going on for you. I''m waiting on neuro follow up atm. I think you should ask for help regarding these occurences. Best wishes and hugs ~Sleepy


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I dont know Sleepy if there is any seizure involvement with my hormonal shifts, something I should think about thou. thanks.

My seizures seem to happen when Im over tired eg having a visitor at my house one time set one off, his visit tired me out so I had a seizure when I got up to walk him to the door (I frothed at the mouth with that seizure) or if are under intense stress. (both things which can trigger seizures in epileptics). This latest one wasnt like the previous one I had which was preceded by what my specialist said sounded like was an aura, like can happen with epileptic ones. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aura_(symptom)

Moments before my previous one, I felt really really weird, like dissociated like all the world around me went like unreal, all the colours went very bright and I went really high and hence started behaviouring weird (and wanted to actually sexualy attack my boyfriend in public and was struggling to maintain control over myself not to, with my behaviour we were lucky not to get arrested).

As I felt real weird in my head and high, he got me up and tried to get me to walk to "come down to earth" to ground me but on standing up from the chair, I took one step and collapsed and was twitching on floor for about 5 mins or more.. embarrassing as I was in a public building at the time and there was a lot of people about and when i come properly too again, I was surrounded by people concerned leaning over me. That "aura" didnt happen with this current one, I had no warning this time that something was wrong... I seizured more this time then last time going by my hands.). Last time was just mild constant body jerking.

Last time some stranger rang ambulance while this was happening but I was over the seizure by the time they arrived. I then told the ambulance people I had POTS (as I was feeling a POTS attack when I got over the seizure and was unable to sit upright or stand even with help as I was about to pass out again) so they carried me outside the building to car to be taken home.

I didnt want to go to hospital on that occassion as I was very distressed this had happened in front of so many people (I had meant to have gone into court so all this meant I had to come back another day and its a long drive so I have to stay in hotel) and just wanted to get home and rest and recover from the severe POTS i was still feeling and didnt feel up to dealing with hospital.

I used to get like "mini seizures" or "absent seizures" complete blank outs while I was doing things which ended up being quite disruptive but never was diagnosed.


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australia (brisbane)
I dont know Sleepy if there is any seizure involvement with my hormonal shifts, something I should think about thou. thanks.

My seizures seem to happen when Im over tired eg having a visitor at my house one time set one off, his visit tired me out so I had a seizure when I got up to walk him to the door or if are under intense stress. (both things which can trigger seizures in epileptics). This latest one wasnt like the previous one I had which was preceded by what my specialist said sounded like was an aura, like can happen with epileptic ones. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aura_(symptom)

Moments before my previous one, I felt really really weird, like dissociated like all the world around me went like unreal, all the colours went very bright and I went really high and hence started behaviouring weird (and wanted to actually sexualy attack my boyfriend in public and was struggling to maintain control over myself not to, with my behaviour we were lucky not to get arrested).

As I felt real weird in my head and high, he got me up and tried to get me to walk to "come down to earth" to ground me but on standing up from the chair, I took one step and collapsed and was twitching on floor for about 5 mins or more.. embarrassing as I was in a public building at the time and there was a lot of people about and when i come properly too again, I was surrounded by people concerned leaning over me. That "aura" didnt happen with this current one, I had no warning this time that something was wrong... I seizured more this time then last time going by my hands.). Last time was just mild constant jerking.

Last time some stranger rang ambulance while this was happening but I was over the collapse by the time they arrived. I then told the ambulance people I had POTS (as I was feeling a POTS attack when I got over the seizure and was unable to sit upright or stand even with help as I was about to pass out again) so they carried me outside the building to car to be taken home.

I didnt want to go to hospital on that occassion as I was very distressed this had happened in front of so many people (I had meant to have gone into court so all this meant I had to come back another day and its a long drive so I have to stay in hotel) and just wanted to get home and rest and recover from the severe POTS i was feeling and didnt feel up to dealing with hospital.

I used to get like "mini seizures" or "absent seizures" complete blank outs while I was doing things which ended up being quite disruptive but never was diagnosed.

Tania, have u been on anticonvulsants before? Meds like neurontin and lyrica are used for pain/fibro are actually anticonvulsants so u should be able to get them prescribed. Just ask your doc for them for fibro. Even if your diagnosed with some type of seizure disorders, there the sort of meds they will prescribe you. I suppose your treating your problem in a round about sort of way.
