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Researchers Have Created A New Detailed Database of Proteins


Senior Member
Scientists create 'genetic atlas' of proteins in human blood
June 6, 2018
University of Cambridge
An international team of researchers has created the first detailed genetic map of human proteins, the key building blocks of biology. These discoveries promise to enhance our understanding of a wide range of diseases and aid development of new drugs.

Using a new technology, scientists measured “3,600 proteins in the blood of 3,300 people. They then analysed the DNA of these individuals to see which regions of their genomes were associated with protein levels, yielding a four-fold increase on previous knowledge. . . .The researchers are making all of their results openly available for the global community to use.[QUOTE (Genomic atlas of the human plasma proteome. Nature, 2018; 558 (7708): 73 DOI: 10.1038/s41586-018-0175-2)
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