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Recent Research Information on the Gut.......


Senior Member
I just made a post to another thread on this forum, and I thought maybe I should post some of this information here, also.

I have loaded up in my reader this site:


this is the reference in my reader:


this sends the latest academic/scientific research paper summaries on the microbiology of the gut to me. any amazing amount of research going on out there.

I also have a trial subscription (three week) to this site:


at this site -- researchers voluntarily summarize and review scientific research papers, and then rank the papers according to their revalence. The result is you can quickly find what papers are considered by other researchers in their field to be significant, and how significant.

try searching for the WPI's original Science paper -- it has an very high ranking,and some interesting commentary.

I've not tried it -- but I assumed that University libraries should have a subscription to this......

Just trying to possibly help out anybody who's trying to keep up on the scientific research........
