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Senior Member
PROOF POSITIVE ? (REVISITED) Margaret Williams 14th September 2016


Here are some excerpts:

Page 2
"In 2004, Professor Peter Denton White was awarded an OBE for “services to medical education”; notices circulating at the time proclaimed him as leading the research into “CFS/ME” and said his OBE was “a well-deserved honour and acknowledgement of his contribution to work on CFS/ME”.

He was born in November 1952: aged only 64, he suddenly retired from clinical practice just before he was compelled by an order of the court to release the raw data from the PACE trial, so any investigation by the General Medical Council for alleged professional misconduct is unlikely to be pursued, but is he guilty of misfeasance in public office?

According to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) website, misfeasance in public office is a cause of action in the civil court against the holder of public office, the allegation being that the office-holder has misused or abused their power: such misuse or abuse is an affirmative act that causes harm to another party without reasonable justification. The NHS is a State body as it provides public health care, so this matter is one in which the public has a significant interest."

Page 3
"That same month, on 31st January 2002, a company called One Health (company number: 04364122) was incorporated to act as a lobby group in order to achieve Professor Peter White’s lifetime goal. He was Chairman of One Health and his fellow Directors included Trudie Chalder. It was described as a company that (quote): “was established in order to promote a system of healthcare based on the biopsychosocial model of ill-health”. "

Page 4
"Members of the One Health company are on record as being actively involved in social engineering via the deliberate creation of “psychosocial” illness. They believe that the biomedical approach to healthcare is “a blind alley” and that the correct approach to illness – whatever its provenance -- is the psychosocial one, in which thoughts, feelings and behaviour can be modified by cognitive behavioural therapy with graded exercise, resulting in restoration of health and productivity."

Page 9-10
"It was in 2002, about seven months after One Health was formed, that Professor Peter White applied to the West Midlands MREC for ethical approval for the PACE trial.

One Health was dissolved in 2010, just before the first (modified) PACE results were published in The Lancet in early 2011.

As is now clear, One Health seems to have been a breeding ground for psychosocial constructionism, whose proponents, by programmed brain-washing using multi-media, intended to exert control not only over State institutions and policy but also over the entire medical profession (including medical schools), over children, their parents, and over all sick people, no matter what the cause of their disease (see below).

Before any of the questions posed above can be addressed, it is necessary to be aware of what was actually said at the One Health conference held on 31st October and 1st November 2002.

The ME community has for decades urged UK Government bodies to fund research into both the epidemiology and the biomedical abnormalities that are known to exist in myalgic encephalomyelitis, almost always to no avail, to the extent that the ME community realised that there were powerful vested interests at stake.

Now there is hard evidence of the reason for the Establishment’s apparent resistance to acknowledge ME/CFS as an organic disorder and it does indeed involve psychiatrists of the Wessely School.

The evidence is contained in a book entitled “Biopsychosocial Medicine: An integrated approach to understanding illness” edited by Peter White, Professor of Psychological Medicine at St Bartholomew’s and the London, Queen Mary School of Medicine, published by Oxford University Press (2005).

Twenty eight “international experts in the field” were invited; twelve talks were given, followed by an equal time spent in discussion. The book includes those (edited) talks and discussions. The conference was chaired by Professor Simon Wessely; others present included Professors Michael Sharpe and Trudie Chalder (together with Professor Peter White, they were to be the three Principal Investigators of the PACE trial). "

Page 15
"Greville Mitchell said: “If you go to Gordon Brown (then UK Chancellor of the Exchequer) and say, ‘We can prove to you that if we address this issue, we can save £2 billion, then you have his full attention”.

Mansel Aylward said: “That is the approach that has been taken” -- which is understood to be why the DWP co-funded the PACE trial; it being the only clinical trial that the DWP has ever funded (letter dated 13th July 2007 from Dr WJ Gunnyeon, Chief Medical Adviser to the DWP). "


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Twenty eight “international experts in the field” were invited; twelve talks were given

this was a medical conference to which they would of invited the top ones they thought fit with their stuff and approach from around the world, that in itself is nothing abnormal and does not indicate wrong doing as such but obviously some very strong ties were forged if they were not there already.

Can we make a guess who the ones being invited or speaking were at this meeting? I almost bet I could win a bet when I say I'd guess the Australian Professor Andrew Lloyd was there. He was the main one pushing the psych view of us here in Australia and still does, promoting CBT and GET here.

These ones are what the ME community has been waring with for years to get their false and harmful info being put out squashed.
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World's Most Dangerous Hand Puppet
ON, Canada
It is sad, but, alas, characteristic of public life in the UK that someone like Greville Mitchell was a major player in this trainwreck.

Leaving aside his business ventures, of which I know nothing, his charity work is... problematic. At the very least, no public scientist should have made bed with anyone who funded a library with a catalogue like this.

But let the man speak for himself:

I remember soon after I got into surfing I got back from watching a wonderful day's competition and automatically switched on the Lou Dobbs show on CNN for the hourly update of share prices, market news, quarterly results etc, something I had been doing for years. Halfway through I just threw up my arms and, pardon my French, exploded: 'What a load of ******* crap. I just don't need this any more.' Only by association with surfers have I really began to realise what is important in my life.

(Also, $10 says that he is at least indirectly involved in AIDS-related quackery in Africa through the clinics and schools he funded there.)


Senior Member
Rather than start with the physicians, which might be quite a difficult task, we could make a start with youngsters in schools. My experience is that they are much easier to educate. The only barrier is the parents. Once we have the child on our side we are in a very good position

Trudie Chalder on how to promote psychosocial ideas on causation of illness.

A cult indeed.
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Senior Member


World's Most Dangerous Hand Puppet
ON, Canada
Can we call it a conspiracy now?

I don't think it's a conspiracy (at least not with the capital C). It is more like a combination of arrogance, wishful thinking, and willful blindness. These things usually are.

The UK government was also in the dowsing rod business during Gulf War II, after all, so wasting money on pseudoscience is not new to them. :)
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Senior Member
I now think this is the standard government mo for avoiding, all accountability.

Just this time we had the internet.


Senior Member
I now think this is the standard government mo for avoiding, all accountability.

Just this time we had the internet.