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problems with walking. Possible causes?


Senior Member
I inject myself with methyl b12, but am afraid if any light gets it while I am injecting. Also I wonder if b12 patches is good option, for I am not fond of injecting myself that regulary and sublinguals damage my teeth. By the way, do you see these pictures that I sended, because for me it just shows IMG. Last time I injected b12 I get sudden dizzy feeling and after that I got fever. Last time I did my blood analysis my iron levels were in yhe middle of the norm, but as I started to supplementing I started to felt ache in my bones or smth, I wonder it it could be a sign of iron deficiency?

Several of us here use the transdermal B12 oils with good success. (You don't have to worry much about light.)

Yes, I'm over sublinguals - I have holes in several teeth.

Can't see any pics, sorry. I don't think you can attach them here.

My own belief is that ferritin should be over 100. I've just taken a friend with ferritin 30 ("normal") to get iron infusions, which had a huge effect.
So returning to this forum once more. Now it has been 8 months since I started to supplement with mb12. Now that I don't feel that horribly in physical sense, I start to notice just how much my mental health has suffered due to diet choice. The biggest problem is memory, but also speaking and writing doesn't come as natural as in the past. I'm worried and confused, because as I understand b12 is responsible for mental/ thinking problems. The weird thing is that I know several vegetarians that have practiced their diet for more than 10 years and it seems that nothing bad has happened to them, whilst I retained from meat only 2 years. Then as I noticed my disastrous health decline I started to consume meat for 9! months, that didn't help at all. I still feel unstable on feet, have reasonable difficulty walking etc., etc. It seems that I have been supplementing/ gaining mb12 from food longer that I have been vegetarian, but still at least mentally I don't feel an improvement. Can somebody suggest natural supplements other that mb12 that could help to improve mental, physical health? (L-fumarite) I have tried and it doesn't help. Mentally I feel as if I can rely on knowledge that I gained previous to illness, it seems impossible to learn / memorize something new...


Senior Member
NSW Australia
I really would recommend you work closely with a doctor who understands deficiency. If they offer you cyanocobalamin or tell you it's a simple fix they don't understand deficiency. Genetics and illness can both be involved in creating predispositions to deficiencies. We don't all have exactly the same requirements for various nutrients so it is not a surprise that some people manage just fine on a vegetarian diet and others become deficient.
Once a deficiency has created symptoms like yours it will take some good management to determine what you need.


Senior Member
Agree with @Sea. If you're not across the science, you need an advisor or healer who is.

Methyl & adenosyl B12 are the types you need. Personally I found the transdermal oil form way the best in terms of delivery: http://www.b12oils.com/index.htm

You can crash pretty quickly with a vitamin deficiency, or it can take a long time.

So returning to this forum once more. Now it has been 8 months since I started to supplement with mb12. Now that I don't feel that horribly in physical sense, I start to notice just how much my mental health has suffered due to diet choice. The biggest problem is memory, but also speaking and writing doesn't come as natural as in the past. I'm worried and confused, because as I understand b12 is responsible for mental/ thinking problems. The weird thing is that I know several vegetarians that have practiced their diet for more than 10 years and it seems that nothing bad has happened to them, whilst I retained from meat only 2 years. Then as I noticed my disastrous health decline I started to consume meat for 9! months, that didn't help at all. I still feel unstable on feet, have reasonable difficulty walking etc., etc. It seems that I have been supplementing/ gaining mb12 from food longer that I have been vegetarian, but still at least mentally I don't feel an improvement. Can somebody suggest natural supplements other that mb12 that could help to improve mental, physical health? (L-fumarite) I have tried and it doesn't help. Mentally I feel as if I can rely on knowledge that I gained previous to illness, it seems impossible to learn / memorize something new...


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
I have a friend who started trouble with walking once he started using the non-refrigerated insulin. It had nothing to do with his supplements and everything to do with the preservatives in the medicine. Without a whole picture, you have little chance of pinning down causes. I agree with using a professional.
Yes, this deficiency is kind of mystery to me, especially because of sudden foot/ ankle deformity, never have I heard that lack of mb12 causes some sort of skeletal changes, but that could be due to me still growing (i became vegetarian at the age of 18), and I almost feel as if I am aged somehow, does smb has had this experience also?


Senior Member
I tend to see B12 as a really key vitamin, the lack of which might lead to a large number of problems. I believe Freddd says there are 600+ known ones.

I've heard of people with peripheral nervous system damage from B12 deficiency - people who were having great difficulty walking - coming good (90% recovery) after 12 months on the methyl/adenosyl B12 oil.

You need to make sure you are getting enough B2 - also selenium, iodine (cooking with iodised salt is enough) & vitamin C - for the B12 to work properly.

My experience is that energy comes back first, mood second, & cognition/memory last - tho I imagine that varies from person to person. Altho cognition is central nervous system, & walking problems are more likely to be peripheral, the fact is that B12 is very good for nerves - especially the remyelination bit.
Hi. The problem with b12 oils is that they don't send them to my country. i have tried b12 patch, and I can assure that they work well, because I feel usual symptoms of b12 within 2-5 minutes after intake. I hope that my cognitive problems will cease as time passes, but I have heard that some damage can't be reversed, so I'm scared. Also I must tell that I experienced brain fog as one of a first symptoms, after that I didn't feel foggy, but somewhat bleak in mind.


Senior Member
Hi. The problem with b12 oils is that they don't send them to my country. i have tried b12 patch, and I can assure that they work well, because I feel usual symptoms of b12 within 2-5 minutes after intake. I hope that my cognitive problems will cease as time passes, but I have heard that some damage can't be reversed, so I'm scared. Also I must tell that I experienced brain fog as one of a first symptoms, after that I didn't feel foggy, but somewhat bleak in mind.

I think the oils are easily the best B12 delivery method, & I'd be surprised if anyone here was still using the sublingual at this stage in 2017. However I also had success with a home-made patch.

Cognition seems to be the last thing to heal, from what Greg says. That's my experience too.
Yeah, and about that cognition and memory, is there any diet habits worth to abstain from to get your memory improve, maybe smb practice sugar free nutrition, any results?


Senior Member
Yeah, and about that cognition and memory, is there any diet habits worth to abstain from to get your memory improve, maybe smb practice sugar free nutrition, any results?

The best synopisis I've seen is in this paper...

Reversal of cognitive decline: A novel therapeutic program
Dale E. Bredesen

...which (if you don't like reading) contains a simple table with each nutrient, what it does, & the source of the info.

I'm using about two-thirds of the things mentioned, & they (along with the B12/B2) have lifted my memory & cognition a lot, over several months.
It is said that human brain develops until he reaches age of 25, does b12, other b vitamins have huge influence on it, can brain development be interfered if one has b12 deficiency at this fairly crucial stage of development?


Senior Member
It is said that human brain develops until he reaches age of 25, does b12, other b vitamins have huge influence on it, can brain development be interfered if one has b12 deficiency at this fairly crucial stage of development?

Yes, I'd think so. But it seems that the process can be reversed, at least in part, when you correct the B12 intake.
Ok. To Johnmac: central nervous systems' problems involve brain fog and difficulty to walk, also? So by now it's almost half a year since supplementing for me, and difficulty to walk still persist, I wanted to upload some photos of my legs and see if that could make sense regarding my problems with walking, the most valuable thing would be to learn if such a problem can be related to b12 deficiency at all.



Hi LaDiDa, Today is my first day as a member so if I repeat (though I have read through what is available a couple of times) anything already covered then please ignore it. The main reason is that on reading your initial post I was repeating "that's me" "that's me". First was the tingling in the base of my feet (some years ago) then gradually developed into what it is today. Very heavy legs, cannot raise myself onto my toes, swelling of the ankles especially around the ankle bone of the right foot, cannot walk for above a couple of minutes as my legs feel like two lumps of lead attached to me, my ankles feel as though I have thick metal bands around them and the soles of my feet feel as though they have hard cardboard insoles attached to them. I am sure there are other things I could add but reckon that's enough to make my point.

I have been tested for nerve damage which was positive but I did not think to ask the percentage. My B12 was low (161) as was my iron and later found that copper was also low. The point I wish to make is that the lack of B12 (without going into the reasoning) is highly likely to be the cause of the nerve damage so it is from this position that I am "attacking" my problem. Through my doctor I had shots once a month (cyno) 1,000 mcg that had no effect at all then I got to the point that I realised my walking was more difficult. I do not have pain - I just cannot walk and I feel totally beaten at the thought of trying to do so uphill or to negociate steps . Incidentally, I am fine coming downstairs. Since this realisation I am having weekly shots (hydroxo) of 10,000 mcg. Next Monday will be my ninth shot but I am feeling less positive as I do not see/feel any improvement ( I am aware that nerves regenerate 1mm per month so perhaps more patience is called for) In addition to the shots I am taking the usual tablets plus anything and everything I consider may help in nerve regeneration. I do so much research that my computer feels to be a natural extension of my body. Forgot to mention the loss of balance - other symptoms but small in comparison.

I consider you to be really young to be suffering so and refuse to believe that 3 years as a vegetarian is the cause simply because the body stores B12 in the liver as you are already probably aware of. I do believe however that the use by the medical profession of Nitrous Oxide and the fact that it is used as a recreational drug is very dangerous as it inactivates B12 in the body. Incidentally this is the "gas and air" that is given during labour. Please do not think that I am making any assumptions - I am merely pointing out a fact that does not seem to be generally known.

I sincerely hope that you find time to post how things are now and if you have found anything to help. If you keep posting I will keep track of you and when I find anything at all that works you will be the first to know. In the meantime, stay positive - if you give up so will your body!
Hi, Ritario. Yes, your problems sound exactly like mines, and now it becomes hard to believe that I can't normally walk just because of b12 deficiency, because I am feeling like I have ski boots on, and cant bend my ankles. That has lasted a very long time now, and I am afraid that it have an effect on other parts of my body, hips, lower back, knees.
Now I am using b12 methylcobalamin spray. I am not sure if it is more effective that just liquid, because I don't feel any other absorption apart from just swallowing it, but I must say that as soon as I have taken it, I start to feel nerve pain, so that could be sign of regeneration. The b12 patches that I used before I think was more effective, I bought them from amazon. I also used injectable b12 from Oxford Bioscience, and it felt horrible, I'm not a person, who is afraid of needles, especially if I feel so sick, but I felt as if injectable b12 didn't do nothing for me. Sublinguals I don't want to use, because they lead to teeth decay or smth.
I must tell, that the first time I went to neurologist, she prescribed me some other medicine, that was meant to heal nerves, and it was very, very effective, but I don't remember the name, smth like neurorubin or similar.
I have to say that I also don't understand why my health declined so much, given that there are vegans, vegetarians who have stayed on this diet for 14! years and still don't complain about any felt sickness.. I have been vegetarian for only 2,5 years..
And I'm very pleased, that there is a person with similar symptoms, because previously I searched for somebody that had these leg pains and difficulty to walk, and couldn't find. Because lot of people who complain about difficulty walking do so because of fatique or just heaviness in legs, but that's not it! It is more like just general discomfort while walking, though that discomfort I also feel being on my knees, because they are painful. The most fearful thing for me is that I feel as my legs become somewhat distorted.. I have fat anckles, and I know that people say that it can be caused by several things like genetics, but for me it was heavily linked with my b12 deficiency which I felt systematically, - I also have memory problems and something similar to dyslexia.. And it is very, very depressing.
So if you have good recommendations on nerve regeneration, say! I have only this, what I told - neurorubin or smth similar, I don't remember! Only know, that it isn't vitamin supplement.
And also I have only once tried nitrous oxide and it was very long time ago!
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Hi LaDiDa, I am so pleased that you have posted but at the same time so very sorry that your problems are no less than your original post. Yes, it will be nice that we will be able to inform each other of any ideas/successes. In fact, it was only a couple of days ago that I had a "eurika moment" and acted on it. Regarding the ankles, because I think this is one of the main problems that we both have. I was thinking how thick and hard they looked and how the touch was really hard compared to say, further up the leg, but also how "dead" they felt. It felt to me that there was something beneath the flesh - like a layer of "something". So I thought "OK lets try to break up and dispel whatever the "something" is. I put some oil around the ankle and started to "need" it with my knuckles. I did it whilst watching TV for about an hour or perhaps more on each leg and I could feel the "something" giving! My ankles felt less tight and there was less swelling. When I stood up to walk my gait felt more normal because the ankle was more flexible. I have done it quite a lot today and can feel the difference. I have drank more water in order to flush the "something" through my system. No it is not the answer but it is encouraging. I know there is nerve damage so it stands to reason that there is also a circulation problem so the "needing" and really tough massaging will encourage blood flow also.

Have your read up on DMSO? Google it and see what you think. I have some so have sprayed the soles of my feet and the ankles. I have actually used this in the past but sort of strayed from it. I am always on the lookout for new things to try. Also check out Alpha Lipoic Acid. Anything I find I will pass over to you so that you can do your own research on it.

The nerve pain you have sounds promising. The patches were the first things I tried. I was having the usual difficulties with my doctor of the time so purchased these and in my ignorance thought "that's it - sorted!" It was early on so had no other symptoms except the peculiar sensation in the soles of my feet. In truth, I have no idea if they helped or not because I had not had even a blood test. For myself, I prefer any means of taking the B12 rather than through the digestive system. I have recently become aware of taking it, along with the other B's transdermally (b12oils.com) so I am still checking it out.I agree with you about the sublinguals - bad enough fat ankles and not being able to walk without adding "toothless" to the list!! I will spend some time tomorrow searching for the "neurorubin" or whatever it is called.

I cannot see how or why your legs should become distorted. Yes the joints could but the actual leg? I cannot see that.
I am going to suggest something now for your knees and please - I do not mind you thinking "crazy women - I cannot do this" but at least check it out. Start doing Yin Yoga. Okay, okay - don't run. You check out some of the sites on You Tube and when you start you just do whatever is comfortable (a little pain then wait and you will find that it fades). This will be very beneficial not only for your knees but mentally too and I promise that you will surprise yourself in a short time period.

Try to stay positive - today you have doubled the chance of improvement - we are now two brains working at it.
Hi, Ritario. Yes, your problems sound exactly like mines, and now it becomes hard to believe that I can't normally walk just because of b12 deficiency, because I am feeling like I have ski boots on, and cant bend my ankles. That has lasted a very long time now, and I am afraid that it have an effect on other parts of my body, hips, lower back, knees.
Now I am using b12 methylcobalamin spray. I am not sure if it is more effective that just liquid, because I don't feel any other absorption apart from just swallowing it, but I must say that as soon as I have taken it, I start to feel nerve pain, so that could be sign of regeneration. The b12 patches that I used before I think was more effective, I bought them from amazon. I also used injectable b12 from Oxford Bioscience, and it felt horrible, I'm not a person, who is afraid of needles, especially if I feel so sick, but I felt as if injectable b12 didn't do nothing for me. Sublinguals I don't want to use, because they lead to teeth decay or smth.
I must tell, that the first time I went to neurologist, she prescribed me some other medicine, that was meant to heal nerves, and it was very, very effective, but I don't remember the name, smth like neurorubin or similar.
I have to say that I also don't understand why my health declined so much, given that there are vegans, vegetarians who have stayed on this diet for 14! years and still don't complain about any felt sickness.. I have been vegetarian for only 2,5 years..
And I'm very pleased, that there is a person with similar symptoms, because previously I searched for somebody that had these leg pains and difficulty to walk, and couldn't find. Because lot of people who complain about difficulty walking do so because of fatique or just heaviness in legs, but that's not it! It is more like just general discomfort while walking, though that discomfort I also feel being on my knees, because they are painful. The most fearful thing for me is that I feel as my legs become somewhat distorted.. I have fat anckles, and I know that people say that it can be caused by several things like genetics, but for me it was heavily linked with my b12 deficiency which I felt systematically, - I also have memory problems and something similar to dyslexia.. And it is very, very depressing.
So if you have good recommendations on nerve regeneration, say! I have only this, what I told - neurorubin or smth similar, I don't remember! Only know, that it isn't vitamin supplement.
And also I have only once tried nitrous oxide and it was very long time ago!
Hi. I think the prescriptions were called Nuerotin. I don't think it heals nerves, but it kills pain though. I read something about DSMO, but what it really is, does it heals something or helps only for pain? And why you are deficient in b12? Have you been on restrictive diet? Yes, you could say how these oils work, because they are kind of expensive, so I wouldn't want to risk for nothing. Well about the patches - you said that you feel better, so I don't think that b12 levels in blood is all that important.. Yes, I have made some progress without doubt, at the final stage, when I still wasn't diagnosed with b12 deficiency, my feet and ankles were constantly swollen and I used salt and cool water, but obviously it didn't help the cause of my sickness. And by the way, how old are you and how long have you been deficient?
I'm here again. Does somebody also experience problems with emotions? I feel like a zombie for a quite now, and feel like my emotions are competely under the surface, some kind of block or smth. What is b12 influence on emotional health? Feelings, hopes etc.?