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Pridgen Granted FDA Fast Track Designation For His Fibro Med Combo


Hoarder of biscuits
@Ryderwood, psychologizers and psychobabblers are synonymous with "people who are never going to help us and who stand in the way of real medical progress."

For future reference, we are all having a very bad day, and thanks for apologizing to Kati. You will find a vast difference in tone depending on which topics we are discussing. We have a grand time on the bird bore and cat bore threads, but get serious on issues regarding doctors/investigators.

In any case, welcome to PR.


Patient in training
Valentijn, You are right, and I do apologize to Kati for the "having a bad day" comment. In retrospect, it came across as condescending, which was not my intent. It was just that I was so surprised at the comments she made about my motives for asking the questions. I am relatively new to this website, and I'm having a grand time in taking in all the information. I was asking for clarification about Kati's viewpoints, and thought we were having a good exchange of information. So I was only referencing a "bad day" because of the vast difference in the tone of our previous conversations. Kati, I hope you will accept my apology.
Apologies accepted and no grudges held.

The story is that Prigden has good intentions. The pharma venture is legit and provides hope for the patient. Who he chose on his advisory board would not be my first choices nor my second choice.

My experience as a patient, and within a community suffering from Pace trial propaganda shared around the world is, there is no room for psychiatry to infiltrate in a very medical illness. There has been great harm done in doing so and it's not over yet.

This is 2016 and there is ample room for huge strides in biomedical breakthrough for both ME and FM. Yet, governments to this day choose the easy and cheap) way out: CBT and self-mannagement. Minimal testing. Looser case definition (in the case of FM).

Best, @Ryderwood i appreciate you following up.
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Senior Member
I actually tried Dr. Pridgen's protocol for a brief period but had to stop because of cost.

My doctor prescribed exactly what Dr. Pridgen used and I saw huge relief the first 4 days of use.

My insurance would not cover cost for the Famciclovir.

I hope to challenge the insurance company when I'm able.
I actually tried Dr. Pridgen's protocol for a brief period but had to stop because of cost.

My doctor prescribed exactly what Dr. Pridgen used and I saw huge relief the first 4 days of use.

My insurance would not cover cost for the Famciclovir.

I hope to challenge the insurance company when I'm able.
I actually tried Dr. Pridgen's protocol for a brief period but had to stop because of cost.

My doctor prescribed exactly what Dr. Pridgen used and I saw huge relief the first 4 days of use.

My insurance would not cover cost for the Famciclovir.

I hope to challenge the insurance company when I'm able.

Thank you for your response. My doctor contacted Dr. Pridgen, and after signing a nondisclosure agreement, she started me on the basics this past Tuesday. I basically had a choice of three combinations and chose the least expensive, Acyclovir and Meloxicam, plus an over the counter stomach medication . There was no indication that more expensive was better, but I'm sure there is a lot of difference in individuals.

I had originally taken Acyclovir for a Shingles infection last November. I googled Fibro and Shingles and found the link between Fibro and the herpes virus and the studies and Pridgen. I also noticed I felt better after the week on Acyclovir. It took awhile for my doctor to contact Dr. Pridgen, and he was busy with the Fast Track stuff. During that time, I came down with another case of Shingles (3 months in between). She put me on a 2 wk course of Acyclovir (at my request) and again I felt better. Last Tuesday, I started the Acyclovir and Meloxicam. I have been on the Meloxicam before, but had high blood pressure. She has me on BP pills now.

So, we will see how it goes. I gave up grains in January, as my sister who has Fibro, has had very good results with the Wheat Belly diet. I've lost 20 lbs (yea!) I had a couple of good days between going off the Acyclovir for the Shingles, and going back on for the Pridgen Protocol. But now I'm back to feeling like I have the flu (who knows, maybe I have the flu). My doctor has given me a one year prescription for the Acyclovir and Meloxicam. I'm willing to be on it for a year before calling it good or bad.

I have learned a tremendous amount about the relationship of virus' and fibro and chronic fatigue that has been totally absent in the fibromyalgia forums and associations I have been associated with. I want to learn all I can about it. I have read Judy Mikovits book, The Plague.

If anyone is interested in the Pridgen Protocol, Dr. Pridgen will share his information with your physician. You can email him at tsasurgery@gmail.com
Medford NJ
That's why my GP won't give me a Celebrex prescription in the UK @Sushi. He replaced it with Naproxan which had a terrible effect on me.

Maybe 400mg x 2 is too high a dose.
I was on Valtrex (generic) I tried it with naproxen ( did not yet have a prescription for Celebrex) . The naproxen ( although similar to Celebrex is not cox 2 selective) When I started the Celebrex with the Valtrex it had an immediate positive effect. The Celebrex because it is cox 2 selective enhances the antiviral effect. This treatment enabled me to get off opiates for pain. I have not taken this combo for a year. . I am now getting a little fibro like pain again because I am more active or perhaps I am immunopcomporomised due to what I now believe are enviomental triggers. I am going to start it up again at a half dose.

For me I am guessing The official protocol is Famvir and Celebrex but Valtrex and Celebrex worked for me.
Medford NJ
I was on Valtrex (generic) I tried it with naproxen ( did not yet have a prescription for Celebrex) . The naproxen ( although similar to Celebrex is not cox 2 selective) When I started the Celebrex with the Valtrex it had an immediate positive effect. The Celebrex because it is cox 2 selective enhances the antiviral effect. This treatment enabled me to get off opiates for pain. I have not taken this combo for a year. . I am now getting a little fibro like pain again because I am more active or perhaps I am immunopcomporomised due to what I now believe are enviomental triggers. I am going to start it up again at a half dose.

For me I am guessing The official protocol is Famvir and Celebrex but Valtrex and Celebrex worked for me.
I would go to an online pharmacy and get celexicob ( Celebrex) Yes there were issues with some cox 2 selective meds( google vioxx , bextra) but if you are not allergic to " sulfa " Meds Celebrex has a sulfa ring , other than this Celebrex has same risk profile as NSAIDs ( naproxen)