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Potassium with B12/folate?

Are you supposed to supplement potassium when starting mB12 and methylfolate? I see mention of this, but don't know what it's about. I have tried to search on this site for this, but not finding info.

If so, how much potassium? Is there an easy way to take it (non-pill) for my teen? What's interesting is that she has been eating a lot of bananas lately (I know they are high in Potassium), despite the fact that she really hasn't liked fruit or sweet things for quite a while.


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
I don't think that you can make an across-the-board recommendation for taking potassium. If someone has adrenal problems, they may have trouble with too much potassium.

Another source of potassium is coconut water, much higher than bananas.