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Polymerase Chain Reaction


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The polymerase chain reaction is a new test type discovered these last decades. Polymerase chain reaction is discovered by Kary Mullis, a scientist working for a new company in biotechnology field. Its primary job was to make short DNA chains so other scientists in the company lab could work over them.

One day while he was thinking about any method to analyze mutant methods of DNA he discovered a new way to be able copying any region of any DNA. This way he could be able to amplify the DNA. He didnt recognize in the begging what he had discovered but lately he knew that he made a big step forward in bio-molecular science field and got Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1993. He wrote an article in the famous Journal Scientific American and there he noted that by using polymerase chain reaction method he would be able to manufacture 100 billion similar molecules of genetic DNA material in a matter of time. Also we wrote in this article that polymerase chain reaction method its not only faster, but its much easier because to do this kind of test the only things you need are heat source, centrifuge, few simple reagents that can be found in any lab and test tubes.

Information that was included in this article is that for a polymerase chain reaction test the DNA segment does not need to be pure, it can be isolated simply before testing and can be used in PCR without problem. This made the polymerase chain reaction test famous and used in every lab that has to do with genetics and biogenetics. Nowadays polymerase chain reaction test is used to locate viruses and bacteria, to find DNA foot printings, and even cloning different type of cells.