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Please Need Advice Chemical Sensitivites re: Dental Treatment


Senior Member
So eight days ago I went to have an extraction at dentist. Left it a bit late because of CFS, and I need more treatment ASAP BUT... after the extraction last Friday AM I seemed to have a reaction in terms of Palpitations, heavyness in chest, breathing problems, dizziness vertigo and weakness and my mouth still is agony right now. I do have MCS and I am thinking I reacted bad to the injection, now I am afraid to go back to the dentist incase it kills me but then the infection in my mouth isnt too good either so I am pretty much in a catch 22 situation. Was talking about this last night and it was thought a good idea to post here and see if anyone has had similar experiences and how to proceed with dental treatment regarding approaching dentist etc. :confused: Thanks all big gentle hugs :hug:


Senior Member
Western Washington
sleepy - There are many types of numbing shots they can give you and the main difference with them is the ingredient used to help speed the clearing of it from the location.

Various things are possible that could have happened from the shot, as Brown-eyed Girl suggested - you can have a different sort of shot.

But you really should go back. After a dental extraction, the infection should almost completely take care of itself. It just needs to drain and its basically gone. However, there can be complications with extractions. I don't remember fully what it is now (been about six years since I had mine) but its something to do with not getting everything out that needs to come out - some sort of softer tissue.

If you are still in a lot of pain at this point you need to get back in to see a dentist. Things in the mouth can be life threatening on their own and its likely just as much, if not more of a risk not to go see someone.

That said, can you see a different dentist? Can you afford to pay out of pocket for it if needed? Perhaps a holistic dentist or one who does acupuncture for the pain instead of shots. If your current dentist is covered by your insurance, you could go into to see your current dentist, get their opinion on what's happening and then decide from that point if you want to pay out of pocket for someone else to do the procedure.

If you tell your dentist about the reaction you had last time, they should take it very seriously. Is there someone who can go with you and into the room with you? They could help you gauge if the dentist is taking it seriously or blowing you off. Keep in mind, you go in there and say you had heart stuff going on in reaction to what happened and even if they don't care about you as a patient, they will care about their insurance should something happen. They will be liable if they do not take your concerns seriously and with a witness, they are even more likely to take it seriously.

I know, not a pretty idea - "hey, don't worry. your dentist will try not to kill you because it will effect his money" but its a true one. At least it affords you some knowledge that there really is a good reason (in his mind) to be more careful when you are saying you had possible heart trouble last time."

My last suggestion would be for you to figure out if the spot that is hurting in your mouth is more localized at the extraction site or where you were given the shot. Last time I had work done the shot area hurt for about three years off and on. Some days it would just ache strongly all day and then some times only a little. Rubbing it, I was able to tell it was the exact spot. I think he hit a nerve, its all I can guess.

You're not alone in your fear sleepy. I have put off and put off going back to that same dentist who left me with the sore jaw spot even though at the time there was one filling still needing to be done - about four years ago. Now, well now its going to be a lot worse and still there are no new dentists that will accept my insurance in the area besides him.

My MCS is pretty fierce and his office is very bad. He's always slow and makes me wait nearly two hours for a 15 minute filling - assuming they even do the work that trip and don't just send me home after the two hours (as has happened twice).

I share your fear sleepy. Your path was set when you had the extraction done and now you just need to see it through. Think of it like a different form of surgery. If you had to ... remove a finger but the wound site was still infected over a week later and hurt a lot, you'd know you needed to get back in before the infection spread or you lost your hand.

You can do this and its almost over. Take someone with you if at all possible.

Big gentle hugs right back at ya! Lisa :Retro smile:


senior member
Concord, NH
Not sure if this helps, but thought I would post:

Forget Filling Cavities: Regrow Your Teeth Instead

by Kim Evans, citizen journalist
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(NaturalNews) If you've got a cavity, maybe you want to try regrowing your own teeth before heading for a filling. Our bodies are constantly renewing themselves and although it isn't commonly known, we can regrow our teeth too. In fact, regrowing our teeth is highly preferable to having them filled because most fillings these days either contain mercury (a known toxin that damages the brain and nervous system) or are estrogenic (white fillings release estrogen and contribute to hormonal problems.)

Besides, regrowing your teeth is simple. You'll just need two things: comfrey root and organic eggshells. Eggshells are used because they contain 27 minerals and loads of calcium, so they contain the ideal building materials to regrow your teeth. In fact, the composition of eggshells is very similar to the composition of our teeth and bones. Comfrey root is used because it accelerates bone, teeth and tissue growth. In fact, another name for comfrey root is knitbone, primarily because of its ability to knit - or regrow - bone together so quickly.

When you're regrowing your teeth, aim to eat one organic eggshell each day. Blending your shells into fresh fruit smoothies is a great way to consume them because blending breaks them into tiny particles that are easily consumed. Smoothies with bananas are ideal because the banana will keep the shell particles suspended instead of allowing them to sink to the bottom of your glass. After cracking the egg, just boil your shells in water for five minutes to kill any pathogens before use.

While you're re-mineralizing and adding plenty of calcium to your body with eggshells, you'll also want to use comfrey root on your teeth and gums. Either fresh or dried comfrey root will do the trick, but if it's dried, boil the root lightly for ten minutes to rehydrate it. Then, blend a square inch of the root with a few tablespoons of water to make a liquid - and swish the liquid in your mouth and between your teeth for about 20 minutes. When you're finished, just spit it out.

Using comfrey in this manner is best done once a day, and you'll likely see progress within a few weeks. Many cavities can be completely regrown within a month or two with regular use. The best part is: you can heal your teeth without leaving toxic metals or hormone disruptors in your mouth for the rest of your life.

As a note, comfrey root can be a little hard on your liver so if you have liver problems, you'll want to avoid using comfrey. After your teeth have regrown, you'll also want to end the use of comfrey so as not to over do it.




Senior Member
So eight days ago I went to have an extraction at dentist. Left it a bit late because of CFS, and I need more treatment ASAP BUT... after the extraction last Friday AM I seemed to have a reaction in terms of Palpitations, heavyness in chest, breathing problems, dizziness vertigo and weakness and my mouth still is agony right now. I do have MCS and I am thinking I reacted bad to the injection, now I am afraid to go back to the dentist incase it kills me but then the infection in my mouth isnt too good either so I am pretty much in a catch 22 situation. Was talking about this last night and it was thought a good idea to post here and see if anyone has had similar experiences and how to proceed with dental treatment regarding approaching dentist etc. :confused: Thanks all big gentle hugs :hug:

Hi Sleepy,

You may have had a reaction to sulfites used to preserve the meds. Sulfites are notorious for causing breathing problems. I think there is a sulfite-free med you can ask the dentist to use instead...possibly carbocaine? I can try and track down a link for you if you're still interested. Guess you might have been back to the dentist by now...

These sites have lots of useful info;



I've written some stuff about sulfites on this thread;



Senior Member
Sth Australia
Sounds like your reaction you got from dentist is similar to the one i got thou i didnt get the breathing issue and got major body spasms instead, I had all your other symptoms thou, dentist almost had to ring an ambulance. I'd made a mistake and didnt know not to ask for no adrenaline in the injection and that is what caused my issue. (next time i went they left that out and i was fine).

my mouth still is agony right now.

I had 4 wisdom teeth taken out which turned out to be NOTHING compared to the pain i got from the injection site. It hurted far longer then the wisdom teeth holes. It was so intense and I wasnt any better the next day (so at that point got very stressed out, not knowing how long i'd be reacting to the injection as that just wasnt meant to happen). From the injection site in my mouth.. it shot pain right up into my head. (I cant remember now how long the very painful side effect lasted.. it may of been 2 days).