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PIP Assessment-am so nervous


Senior Member
@hellytheelephant I am so sorry that it's taking so long, it's so unfair, it beggars belief how they get away with doing this to genuine people that are in desparate need for help. Do you have any idea of' how long it takes to go through appeal? Good luck with your Claim, I hope it isn't too long before you hear something.

Really pleased for you and great to be excepted first time with going through any stress of having to appeal.
I am going to be applying myself soon. Can I ask what evidence you had to supply? I only have my doctor (who now doesn't know how much I have got worse) and I have an appointment with the me/cfs clinic at the end August. I am hoping they they will confirm diagnosis, and then I plan to apply.

Hi well to be honest all I sent in was a letter from my specialist at ME clinic that confirms my diagnosis and recommending that, because I have significant hyper mobility accompanied by lots of pain, I be referred to a rheumatologist. On the form I gave them the names and addresses of my GP, Ocupstional Therapist and Specialist. I think it's a good idea that you are waiting to see what the outcome of the ME clinic is first as that will help to back you up. Good luck :)

Just to add to mine, I was given lower rate for both Mobility and Care. Even though I am lucky to have been given it first time, of which I am very aware that not many people are as lucky, there are quite a few inaccuracies as to what my difficulties are. If they had got it correct, it looks like I should of been given enhanced rate for mobility and maybe enhanced rate for care. I am going to appeal against the decision because as believe I should of at least been given the enchanced rate for mobility. I know I am going to be in for a long road!


Senior Member
Hello - this is a useful thread for me to read because you're one step ahead of me in this journey.

Having one of those days where it takes ages to take in information...
Just went to a Citizens Advice branch called DASCAS - disability and social care advice service, I think.
I explained to her my symptoms and what it limits me to, and she said I'm a borderline case i.e. I might just scrape through.

The appointment was an hour, and by the end of it I couldn't take in what she was saying or clarify things to stand up for myself... I definitely have trouble with communicating and she had question marks next to that section. I gave up on talking. I felt sick from the concentration.

She said I need to get more evidence from a doctor - my GPs don't know enough. So I'm waiting for a specialist appt that I've been referred to, and I'll have to send her the info from that. I don't know how long it will take to get that referral.

The other thing she said I have to do is keep a diary about how my health is limiting me - down to how much I have to rest after various activities such as getting dressed, and whether I am able to cook. Has anyone else done this type of diary in order to satisfy this PIP assessment? I feel like... if this is a common thing they ask for, they ought to have developed a diary template for people to use. Does something like this exist? Or shall I invent it?

Because she described it to me by the end of the appointment, and didn't have an example to show me, I'm not sure if I'm going to be doing it right. I showed her the mood and activity diary I was already keeping, and she said it wasn't enough information. It needs to be able to support the form, which I have a photocopy of, covering washing and cooking etc. I'm afraid I'm not sure if I'm going to do it quite right... and it's extra energy to be expending... I want to make sure I've got the right set up, so it wouldn't have been a lot of useless time, if I got it wrong. Ugh can't talk any more. Help please?


Senior Member
The appointment was an hour, and by the end of it I couldn't take in what she was saying or clarify things to stand up for myself... I definitely have trouble with communicating and she had question marks next to that section. I gave up on talking. I felt sick from the concentration.

Lol just realised the irony of not being able to communicate that I'm not very able to communicate!


Senior Member
Thanks @hellytheelephant , you are a sweetie pie.

The other thing she said I have to do is keep a diary about how my health is limiting me - down to how much I have to rest after various activities such as getting dressed, and whether I am able to cook.

I missed out the important question I was trying to ask - but couldn't remember to ask it! -
Isn't this diary super negative? Is this going to cost my health because it's all about focusing on my limitations rather than my abilities?

It's almost like the system reinforces negative thinking, and keeps people feeling sad and frustrated.
The CA lady REQUIRES me to focus on the bad in order to make a case to get benefits. I try to be optimistic... and it's like being optimistic in this situation is not actually going to help me.

But being pessimistic long term is going to be bad for my health, especially if I have to record EVERYTHING that's bad that goes on in relation to my health limitations.

Maybe I should keep a separate secret diary about all the things I'm ABLE to do each day, to counter the horrible focusing on the bad. I think this could be dangerous for my mental health, to do what she says - therefore, the process of seeking benefits could be bad for my mental health. But I stand to gain £55-75 per week if I'm successful, which would take pressure off my financial stability concerns in the long term.

Do any of you have any experience or opinions here on optimism and limitations? And diary keeping?


Senior Member
Hi @lior have you got someone who lives with you, who maybe able to help with helping you collate the information? I was lucky because I have my husband who often butts in when he sees that I'm struggling to explain or can't concentrate. I am also fortunate to have good friends and family around me, who know me enough to correct me and them. Good luck :)

@hellytheelephant I will have my fingers crossed for you that it goes your way, good luck ;)


Senior Member
@hellytheelephant thank you so much for that link, I'll base my diary around that. Haven't been able to properly read, write, or speak for a few days. It was my birthday on Friday and there's so many people I have to get back to who sent me messages.

@Ellie_Finesse no I don't have helpful people that live with me, in fact I live with an awful person! Trying to get out. My friends don't live nearby so I'm alone a lot - in contact with them a lot though, so I don't feel alone... but I don't have that kind of day-to-day help. It would be so nice to have someone around who could help me with cooking and washing so that I'd eat better. I don't do too badly, but it could be better.