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Ozone for Lyme, is it safe and effective?

Has anyone had experience doing ozone insufflation, or drinking ozone infused water? Is it all it's hyped up to be, and is it safe? I have not tried ozone therapy because I read about the side effects and various risks; that it isn't safe to inhale, have around pets or children, etc...


Senior Member
Ventura, CA
I wouldn't. there are plenty of safe and proven treatments you can use. I know a lot of Lyme patients will branch out and try random things, however a lot of those are potentially dangerous and with risk to your health. In other ways then the lyme disease itself.

Antares in NYC

Senior Member
I tried ozone injections for about two months. It is relatively safe, and I didn't have any side effects from it. That said, even though some people swear by it, it didn't do anything for me. Granted, they say it takes between a year and 18 months to get any results from it.
It was just a bit too expensive for me, since my insurance didn't cover it and had to pay off pocket.

Also, it's important that you choose a doctor that knows what he's doing with ozone. I went to a well renowned especialist, but he didn't seem very sanitary, which gave me the heebie-jeebies. I may try it again, but I would look for a different specialist, to be safe.