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Non-medical ME 'consultant' gets knuckles rapped.


Senior Member
Cornwall England
ME Association: http://www.meassociation.org.uk/201...ty-ruling-kaizen-clinic-ltd-19-february-2014/
Kaizen Clinic Ltd t/a The Kaizen Clinic, The Eczema Cure Clinic & M.E. Treatment Clinic
Mayfair House
11 Lurke Street
MK40 3HZ
Date: 19 February 2014
Media: Internet (on own site)
Sector: Health and beauty
Number of complaints: 1
Complaint Ref: A13-247112

Four websites, http://metreatmentclinic.com, www.kaizenhomeopathy.co.uk, http://kaizenclinic.co.uk and http://eczemacureclinic.com, for a homeopathy clinic, all featured text that referred to the founder and Managing Director of the clinic as a “Senior Consultant”.

The complainant challenged whether the references to ‘Senior Consultant’ were misleading and could be substantiated.

CAP Code (Edition 12)

Kaizen Clinic Ltd t/a The Kaizen Clinic, The Eczema Cure Clinic & M.E. Treatment Clinic (Kaizen Clinic) said the references to “Senior Consultant” were intended to reflect that the founder and Managing Director was the most senior and experienced member within the practice.

Kaizen Clinic believed the ads made clear that they did not offer mainstream medicine. They said that, in medicine the word consultant was used in conjunction with the individual’s specialism. They pointed out that the claims did not follow that format. In that context, they believed the ads did not imply that the founder was a medically qualified doctor.



The ASA noted the ads included claims that the clinics were specialists in treating a number of health conditions. In that context, we considered consumers would understand the references to “Senior Consultant” meant that the founder and Managing Director was a medically qualified doctor, registered with the GMC, who had attained the title of senior consultant, rather than being the most senior and experienced member within the practice.

Because we understood the founder and Managing Director was not a medically qualified doctor, registered with the GMC, who had attained the title of senior consultant, we concluded that the claims had not been substantiated and were therefore misleading.

The ad breached CAP Code (Edition 12) rules 3.1 (Misleading advertising) and 3.7 (Substantiation).


The ads must not appear again in their current form. We told Kaizen Clinic Ltd to ensure future claims were not likely to mislead.

ME Association lodged the complaint - RESULT :thumbsup:
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Senior Member
I watched the initial thread on the kaizen clinic.

Since I do have concerns about website advertising in general, and value truthfulness for making informed decisions, I was interested.

It did appear that it was an outright attack on homeopathy. If it is, then people only serve to prevent people from getting better through homeopathy by doing this.

However this part of the complaint in this thread seems ridiculous to me.

I am not an idiot and it was clear to see this Homeopath had not received allopathic training by reading his website.

His decision to use the label Senior Consultant within his Homeopathic business then seems a sensible one.

One gets Senior Consultants in all areas of business.


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
I wonder whether this post will appear. I have tried multiple times to reply.

My initial comment was that I wonder what the knuckles were wrapped in!


ME/CFS since 1995; activity level 6?
Cornwall, UK
It seems unusual for a thread like this to have only had two people reply, so I am guessing that others are having/have had the same problem as I did. If so, it is easy to fix - see this thread in Tech Support.