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"New perspective on CFS: lessons from developmental neuroscience" by C. Heim (CDC)


Senior Member
(Not a recommendation. This isn't quite new but I don't think has been highlighted on the forum before)

New perspective on chronic fatigue syndrome: lessons from developmental neuroscience

Christine Heim

Future Neurology, July 2009, Vol. 4, No. 4, Pages 377-381.

Full free text at: http://www.futuremedicine.com/doi/full/10.2217/fnl.09.15

Financial & competing interests disclosure
The work discussed in this editorial was supported by the CDC (Atlanta, GA, USA)


Senior Member
"Financial & competing interests disclosure
The work discussed in this editorial was supported by the CDC (Atlanta, GA, USA). Christine Heim has received/receives funding or fees from National Institute of Mental Health, National Alliance for Research in Schizophrenia and Depression, Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Eli Lilly, Novartis and CeNeRx.

This BigPharma product is full of disinformaton and inaccuries. One of the most glaring is that it says GET and CBT are very effective "treatments". They try very hard to put the cart before the horse, that is, to prove that the organic symptoms observed, and no longer deniable, in CFS are caused by psychiatric events like "emotional neglect and sexual abuse" in childhood. In other words, your mother did it to you, typical of Freudian theorists who essentially are misogynists through and through. They even cite that old fraud, Freud, and use his favorite word "hysteria".