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New Biomarker for IBS


San Francisco
If I can name one symptom that has always been present throughout the initial, then the worse and now the better times again, it is permanent gut issues, call it IBS, mild inflammation, gastritis, low stomach acid, constant bloating and stomach movements (borborgymi). I know some don't have em but I suppose the majority has gut issues. I would give a lot for a complete resolution of the gut troubles. thx, interesting article.


Senior Member
If I can name one symptom that has always been present throughout the initial, then the worse and now the better times again, it is permanent gut issues, call it IBS, mild inflammation, gastritis, low stomach acid, constant bloating and stomach movements (borborgymi). I know some don't have em but I suppose the majority has gut issues. I would give a lot for a complete resolution of the gut troubles. thx, interesting article.

I agree, same here.