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Neubrander's Methyl-B12 Methylation Protocol


Senior Member
Virginia, US

Methyl-B12: Doing It Right! Methylcobalamin Update

Well, this is interesting. I know its for autism but so is Yasko's protocol. Different spin which is always nice to delve into.

I think this link came from Freddd. Posting to his thread as well. But I would love to discuss this particular viewpoint.

Its 29 pages, so can't post it.
Dr. Neubrander's article makes a lot of sense to me. I tried doing the Yasko protocol and the Methylation Protocol with B12 (Hydroxycobalamin) shots. It helped me a moderate amount, but other circumstances (my house flooding) precipitated a crash that I have not recovered from.

Neubrander's protocol uses Methyl B12 and Adenosyl B12, instead of hydroxy B12. His research and Richard Deth's have shown that the brain needs Methyl B12 for effective methylation, and since constant delivery is required, it has to be administered by shots (given shallowly with a certain brand of insulin needle). When you use Methyl B12, it eliminates the need for taking SAMe.

I am going to study his article, and then I may try his protocol. Glutathione is a great virus killer, and the objective of improving methylation/transsulfuration functioning is to increase glutathione levels.

I guess it's something to try while waiting for clinical trials for XMRV meds.


Senior Member
Virginia, US
If you find more specific info on his protocol, please pass on! He mentions low homocysteine and low amino acids. He doesnt address yasko specific snps for B12 like MTR and MTRR.

He only mentions MTHfr which he treats it seems more with methy B12 than anything else. He does add in folinic later in the protocol. I think he is saying that methyl folate's only purpose is to pass a methyl group on to inactive forms of b12. So not needed when MB12 is being used. Folinic may serve other purposes in the body.

He also takes sam-e out of the equation. So adding mehyl groups with the Mb12 but taking them away (form yasko's protocol) with the methyl folate and sam-e.


Senior Member
Hm, I think both Rich and Freddd would have different ideas about the purpose of methylfolate and and folinic acid. They've been discussing it recently on The Hidden Story (pg. 146 and 147, approximately). Wonder who's right? Wonder if they all are?


Senior Member
Virginia, US
Thanks, Sunday. I stopped the MB12 back to 1mg and may stop that for now. I am having a very hard die off or detox. But I also switched to hydroxy since I last posted (experimenting) and still upped my methyl folate to 600mcg along with 200mcg folinic, which I was taking with MB12. Dont know if I have been collecting methyl groups for this big event or if its the olive leaf extract I have been taking. NO fun.