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Need ideas for coping with pain post treadmill test


Senior Member
I had a treadmill test (exercise echocardiogram) done at my cardiologists office three days ago and have been in severe physical pain ever since. I am not having fatigue, PEM, or anything I expected but the muscle pain is unbearable at times.

To give a tiny bit of background, in 2010, I had a severe injury to the tendon in my right arm due to taking Levaquin (this was pre-CFS.) It took me a year and a half to regain functioning in my right arm and it has never regained it's full strength.

In the treadmill test, I had to grip the bar really forcefully as they increased the speed and incline of the treadmill and my right arm was in severe pain (but if I let go, I was afraid of falling off!) Ever since the test, my right arm is practically numb and very weak. My upper muscles (shoulder, neck and jaw) are overcompensating for my arm adding to the pain. I literally cannot grip anything or write with a pen or open bottles, etc, and doing everything with my left arm.

I am also having pain and spasms in my calves, pain in thighs, right hip, back and feel as if the entire right side of my body is out of alignment. I am going to call my chiropractor tomorrow to see if I can get a same day appt to see him and also try to get a massage.

I have been taking extra electrolytes, using heating pad & ice, and taking painkillers that I normally only take for severe menstrual cramps but they are barely helping. Pain is normally not a big issue for me so I don't know any of the other techniques!!!


Senior Member
Back in the days when I had joint and muscle aches, an Epsom salts bath would help a bit. Supposedly it eases pain and inflammation. Worth a try. You'd get a nice warm bath out of it, at least. :)


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and also try to get a massage.

Sorry you are feeling so badly.

This is actually one of my best strategies to deal with pain, but it needs to be the right practitioner who will be very gentle and is highly trained, in order to understand the muscle and connective tissue.

best wishes


Senior Member
I just discovered something called Willow Balm that's a topical analgesic. You can get it on Amazon. It has White Willow & menthol.


Senior Member
I'd try epsom salt baths with 1-2 cups of es and have the water as hot as you can tolerate. I used to only respond to 2 cups of es. Just be careful getting out of the tub because your body may feel like jello.

Fwiw due to your previous Levaquin damage you may need to see someone who specializes in muscles and tendons. I just saw my gp who wrote a script for me to see a physical therapist when I had quinolone damage. The pt used heat and electric stem and that eliminated my pain for a little while.

If it's too severe for prescription strength pain meds to handle you may want to go to an ER. That way you can get your arm and shoulder checked out too.

Hope you feel better. X
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Senior Member
@xchocoholic just to let you know my own expierence with "hot epsom salts baths"- it made my heart race VERY fast and I had to get out of the tub before I passed out. My doctor told me that it wasn't only because the water was hot, but with the Mg it brings on a detox effect. This was very scary. Do this with caution.


Senior Member
@xchocoholic just to let you know my own expierence with "hot epsom salts baths"- it made my heart race VERY fast and I had to get out of the tub before I passed out. My doctor told me that it wasn't only because the water was hot, but with the Mg it brings on a detox effect. This was very scary. Do this with caution.

Good point. My hr and bp were always low back when I was doing this. I stopped because I get utis too easily now.

Fwiw, keeping the water temp down may be sufficient too. You can start out hot and cool it down with cold water if it's too much.

Oddly, I've had detox reactions to meds or supplements that were too much but never to es baths. They just relaxed my muscles.

Tc .. x


Senior Member
One more thing, don't take hot or salt baths if you have varicose veins, heart problems, high blood pressure and diabetic.
Warm bath is better than hot for the muscles, as well as hot making you feel all spinny & dizzy. I prefer a hard shower to a bath for my own pain (shoulders, upper back), I target the flow right at the sore bits.
After that, I go on my inverting table for 5 mins which unclicks my back nicely, 5 mins of yoga stretches, 5 mins rolling my back on a physiotherapy foam roller, then I use arnica oil (not gel, the gel's not as good) to massage the sore muscles. This is what I do: it may not work for you, and you should probably look up possible side effects before you try it for yourself. It doesn't cure my pain, but it's somewhat soothing. Then I take amitriptyline to relax my muscles & enable me to sleep through the night (without it I don't).
Then I wake up stiff & sore again in the morning :D


Senior Member
@tatty do you have ME? I don't think inversion tables are recommeded for anyone with blood pressure issues. Wouldn't that be similar to doing a TTT???? yikes


Senior Member
Anything with magnesium can help. I don't get pain but when I ache/feel sore I use a magnesium gel (magnesium chloride) to massage my calves and arms.

@Mij Where do you get the magnesium gel and is there a certain brand or dose that you recommend? Pain is not normally a major issue for me so I am hoping this is temporary as I recover from the treadmill test!

Fwiw due to your previous Levaquin damage you may need to see someone who specializes in muscles and tendons. I just saw my gp who wrote a script for me to see a physical therapist when I had quinolone damage. The pt used heat and electric stem and that eliminated my pain for a little while.

If it's too severe for prescription strength pain meds to handle you may want to go to an ER. That way you can get your arm and shoulder checked out too. Hope you feel better.

@xchocoholic Actually my chiropractor, ND, and massage therapist are all in the same office and all know about my Levaquin injuries. I only recently started seeing the ND earlier this year and see her infrequently now b/c she is expensive but luckily my chiropractor takes my insurance. They do the electric muscle stimulator, ultrasound and other stuff for pain.

It is definitely nowhere near at the level of needing to go to an ER or anything like that but thank you for your concern for me! I have been worried that I could have re-injured my right arm from the old Levaquin injury but am hoping this is not the case and that I just over-worked it and it will fully heal again with time.

Thank you so much to everyone who responded to my post and for all your support.


Senior Member
@Gingergrrl I use the Ancient Mineral brand, this is the one rec'd by Dr.Myhill. One tsp= just under 500mg. Some rinse it off after 30 minutes but I like to leave it on. I hope you can get relief.


Senior Member
@Gingergrrl I use the Ancient Mineral brand, this is the one rec'd by Dr.Myhill. One tsp= just under 500mg. Some rinse it off after 30 minutes but I like to leave it on. I hope you can get relief.

@Mij Thanks and I will google it. Just curious, do you also take Magnesium supplements (pills) on the days that you use the gel or is it one or the other? Also, do some people wash it off b/c it is too strong? I have constant pain in my calves and sometimes spasms so this would be great!
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OK if you have OI, viruses, inflammation, heat is not the best way to go, actually cold in 10 min per area is best, some do cold baths. Heat will increase inflammation. I am in the same boat (not from nothing) but bad muscle pain, I have been rotating cold packs around my body in intervals of 10min per area alternating quadrants.

I also read about real Apple cider vinegar baths (for after exercise kind of pain) only tried today myself so cannot comment yet, and the epmson salt ones but that never took care that kind of pain for me.


Senior Member
@Mij Thanks and I will google it. Just curious, do you also take Magnesium supplements (pills) on the days that you use the gel or is it one or the other? Also, do some people wash it off b/c it is too strong? I have constant pain in my calves and sometimes spams so this would be great!

I have taken Mg glyicate in capsule form but I have malabsorption problems so I stopped buying it.. I had to take injections years ago. On the Ancient Mineral site they have a chart which shows that a 4-6 week application will increase Mg at the celluar level. The testing was done through Exatest so I"m confident it's absorbing.

You might find the transdermal application prickly on first application but it should go away within a short time, if not, then just rinse it off.