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Nasal congestion


Senior Member
Oxford, England
Does anyone have nasal congestion worsened on eithier Rich's or Fredd's protocol?

I have noted that my night time congestion has worsened on starting methylation.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
I have nasal congestion, too, but it's from allergies, not methyl donors. Here's a few things that help me.

I'm sure you know about the neti pot, but adding Alkalol solution to the salt and baking soda I ordinarily use helps clear congestion temporarily:


I always wake in the middle of the night, and I use a hypertonic nasal spray. I let it stay in a few minutes, and then blow my nose. It feels more clear afterward. I find it much more effective than regular saline spray.



Senior Member
Oxford, England
@perchance dreamer I do use Neil med hypertonic nasal spray, but it can be hit or miss. I take just before bed and it sometimes works initially, the nose is clearer but find when I wake up in the more my nostrils are partially congested but very interested in Alkalol-nasal I could try it with my neti pot. Thanks very much!!