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Senior Member
Recently, the ME/CFS physician Dr. Joseph Brewer (along with some other researchers) published this paper linking the disease with the presence of mycotoxins in the urine.


I've subsequently gotten an increasing number of inquiries asking about this topic, so I thought I would start a thread about it here.

For instance, here is an article on mycotoxins by Dave Asprey of "The Bulletproof Executive" blog. Asprey got sick himself in a moldy building and is concerned with mycotoxins both in buildings and in the food supply.


Here's an article that discusses how corn was contaminated with particularly large amounts of mycotoxins last year, and how this is being mixed in with new supplies of corn to barely meet the maximum standard for mycotoxin contamination. Most corn is used to feed animals, and so Asprey recommends 100% grass-fed beef to avoid it. (Mycotoxins are very stable, showing up in the fat/flesh/milk/eggs of the animals that eat them.)


I'm using the following section of the Locations Effect board as a storage place for information on the topic of mycotoxins and other biotoxins that I think might be especially interesting or useful to people.

