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Morning Spike in BP


Senior Member
For the past ten days I have been noticing that I wake to the sound of my heart pounding in my ears, and when I take my blood pressure it is way up. This usually lasts for hours until it slowly starts to go down. I am at a loss to understand what could be making my blood pressure go so high in the morning! It has me scared, actually. Once I responded by drinking a large glass of water and it dropped by about ten. But that doesn't always work. Has anyone else experienced this?
The Netherlands, Europe
What's your normal blood pressure in the morning and how high is it now (in the morning)?

If it is really high, and this together with "your heart pounding in your ears" , I'd see a family physician / GP asap.


Senior Member
My normal blood pressure in the morning was usually 120/80. Now it is as high as 140/90. Throughout the day it gradually drops, though. I have already seen my doctor; he will only prescribe medicine. BP meds killed my father after giving him two strokes. I strongly suspect that it is one of the amino acids I have been supplementing with, which is Tyrosine. I have stopped it for now, and will have to wait and see if this clears up.
The Netherlands, Europe
As you already have seen your doctor and you suspect your amino acid supplement, I wouldn't worry too much. Blood pressure can vary a lot. Mine was quite stable and suddenly it was higher without any reason I could think of, and now a few months later it is getting lower again.
For people with mild hypertension 140-159/90-99, there is no proof that antihypertensions drugs are of any value, you could show your doctor this:



Senior Member
I think I also have some kind of a bug, because although the blood pressure appears to have calmed down, I feel really weak and lethargic, more than usual that is. I actually napped two days in a row which I usually don't do.BTW, Bryce thanks for the link! Very interesting stuff there!


Senior Member
I have had the flu off and on since mid-August and since then I have also been getting the blood pounding in the ears effect. Every morning My BP has been higher than normal. It goes up and then it goes down again. Mornings are worse. My ears are also sore and I have a sinus infection.

Why the flu would do this I just don't know. My sister has the same problem.
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Senior Member
I wonder if I have the flu then. It's back up again today, although yesterday it was slightly better. I am also noticing that there is a difference when I do both arms. One can be slightly higher than the other.