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Methylation for babies ?


Senior Member
Hi all,

I just would like to know what to do when someones with mthfr problems born child ...

I think should be good to test baby for mthfr and maybe supplement with some folates. But how can be possible when baby has just some months ?

Anyones had any experience ?




Senior Member
I think the baby should have breast milk only, and the baby will ingest everything the mother ingests. So it is advisable that the mother has a clean GF diet with no folic acid. Ben Lynch might have posted about it already at http://mthfr.net/

It is good to know ar least the MTHFR status from both parents.


Senior Member
Well the MTHFR mutation is not a "death sentence" in an of itself :)
With a proper nutrition and healthy life style many people can carry on an entire life without problems. Of course knowing that you have the problem is always good and it will inform your choices for the future.

I am not sure if it's sensible to give supplements to small babies. Maybe later in his development, if there's a real need for them.
Daniele - Like Gondwanaland said, I'd suggest just breastfeeding now and holding off on any supplements until they are older.

You may be able to get them tested for a MTHFR mutation.