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Melatonin supplementation fx on lipid hydroperoxides, homocysteine and chronic fatigue syndrome in M


Senior Member
Silicon Valley, CA
Full title:
Effect of melatonin supplementation on plasma lipid hydroperoxides, homocysteine concentration and chronic fatigue syndrome in multiple sclerosis patients treated with interferons-beta and mitoxantrone.
Adamczyk-Sowa M1, Sowa P2, Adamczyk J3, Niedziela N4, Misiolek H5, Owczarek M4, Zwirska-Korczala K3.

Not sure whether to put this under ME/CFS or 'other research', since it's talking about co-incidence of CFS and MS. They appear to be talking about patients meeting the Fukuda criteria, so pure CFS, not ME.

However, I feel this is still important to our patient group, because the study found that lipid peroxidation products were significantly decreased in patients who take melatonin for three weeks. Since Maes et al have demonstrated that oxidative stress is an issue in PWME in general, and lipid peroxidation is a problem in ME in particular, I think the data is still valuable to us.

Link out here: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27226183

Full text is available.



Senior Member
From what I can gather online about this Dr Adamczyk (neurologist) she uses the term CFS when she actually means chronic fatigue, as in: always being tired - one of the main symptoms of MS and other autoimmune illnesses.

I wonder why they used Fukuda. It seems to me that they are very confused about what CFS is, that they don't know it is an actual separate entity. I have looked a few times for online Polish ME/CFS support groups, or websites, but apart from one university working on some sort of CBT/GET crap, I couldn't find anything at all. As if the condition doesn't exist there (which is obviously impossible). So I think this study is purely about MS...
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