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Medical marijuana & pots


Senior Member
Vancouver, BC
I find its effects paradoxical. I just vaporize ordinary cannabis (0.1g a day). It often seems to knock me out for a bit but after 30mins or so I'm on my feet and can do some lighter strength training or exercise. Without marijuana I would just be on my back for the rest of the evening.

It also is good for clearing brain fog and improving creativity although this effect seems to be relatively short lived... Maybe an hour or so? Redosing can the bring my brain back once the effect starts wearing off but by this time I believe the secondary effects or marijuana have begun so it's hard to keep the cognition enchanting effect going


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
I'm unclear about what exactly is being affected, but I'm finding marijuana makes me feel better. At first I thought it was about antioxidants, maybe it's also about POTS. There are many effects/benefits from cannabinoids, so many ways it might be helping.
I find it lowers my blood pressure and weakens me. I wish it could say which strain she used.
So far have not found a strain that helps but I have tried only 8 strains. Too expensive to try a lot.
Maybe I need to search more.


Senior Member
I find its effects paradoxical. I just vaporize ordinary cannabis (0.1g a day). It often seems to knock me out for a bit but after 30mins or so I'm on my feet and can do some lighter strength training or exercise. Without marijuana I would just be on my back for the rest of the evening.

It also is good for clearing brain fog and improving creativity although this effect seems to be relatively short lived... Maybe an hour or so? Redosing can the bring my brain back once the effect starts wearing off but by this time I believe the secondary effects or marijuana have begun so it's hard to keep the cognition enchanting effect going

Interesting. Do you use it for pots or me or something else?


Senior Member
I'm unclear about what exactly is being affected, but I'm finding marijuana makes me feel better. At first I thought it was about antioxidants, maybe it's also about POTS. There are many effects/benefits from cannabinoids, so many ways it might be helping.

Can you describe how it make you feel better. Can it slow your HR?


Senior Member
I find it lowers my blood pressure and weakens me. I wish it could say which strain she used.
So far have not found a strain that helps but I have tried only 8 strains. Too expensive to try a lot.
Maybe I need to search more.

Maybe a strain wouldn't effect BP. My BP started low with my pots. Now it is getting higher so I Def wouldn't mind it to lower it a bit. I really don't want high bp. This disease can stop developing any time. I'm done :-(


Senior Member
I'm a bit too fried this morning to search for my sources, but I read one good paper that described the varied effects that MJ has on the circulatory system. AIR, it might raise or lower BP depending on the strength of the dosage and on the time from administration.

Anecdotally, I'm lead to believe that if it's going to cause a BP drop it will more likely happen within the first hour. After that, it seems less likely, even if more is administered.

This is one of those things where everyone will be different and of course it will probably vary by strain as well.


Senior Member
Vancouver, BC
Industrial hemp oil (not to be confused with hemp seed oil) is looking to have similar beneficial effect to other medicinal marijuanas without any "high" because of its low THC content.
For me personally I would say THC a very important part of the medicine. If you read about it, it is the energy and cognitive enhancing chemical. Those 2 things are the most helpful effects I get from marijuana. I haven't tried anything CDB only so I can't compare to that unfortunately


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
Can you describe how it make you feel better. Can it slow your HR?

I've been been having difficulty trying to differentiate my current symptoms. It's more of an overall feeling of 'I feel yuk" moving into "I feel better". Not about energy levels. Includes a tightness in my head, superficial breathing, generalized, non-specific discomfort. Not gut or musculo-skelatal. I'm not sure about HR. When I review the days I was monitoring BP frequently, my notes are far from complete, but I don't notice any significant change related to mj.

There‘s a temperature range in which different compounds of cannabis are released, each showing unique



A recent study conducted by Andras Biokei-Gorzo at the Institute of Molecular Psychiatry at the University of Bonn in Germany is suggesting that marijuana(or the activation of the brain’s cannabinoid system) triggers the release of antioxidants, which act as a cleansing mechanism. This process is known to remove damaged cells and improve the efficiency of mitochondria. Mitochondria is the energy source that powers cells. The study was published in Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society, B. You can read the entire study http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing....ract?sid=20cf2c23-e4fd-49e3-9398-ec8be2e00226.

These discoveries shed new insight on how natural marijuana cannabinoids hold the capacity to literally kill the brain inflammation responsible for causing cognitive decline, neural failure, and brain degeneration. By supplying these receptor sites with cannabinoids, patients may be able to overcome brain conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and more, not to mention premature brain aging. The human brain contains an extensive network of special receptor sites that modulate nervous system function only when activated by the appropriate cannabinoid compounds, which are found in the marijuana plant.

Cannabinoids refer to any of a group of related compounds that include cannabinol and the active constituents of cannabis. They activate canbinoid receptors in the body. The body itself produces compounds called endocannabinoids and they play a role in many processes within the body that help to create a healthy environment. Cannabinoids also play a role in immune system generation and re-generation. The body regenerates best when it’s saturated with Phyto-Cannabinoids. Cannabinoids can also be found in Cannabis. Cannabinoids may very well be the best cancer fighting substance out there!
qualities in effect.


Psychedelic bird
I've been using cannabis for some years mostly for pain and as a help with neurological symptoms and fatigue. I think the best effects came from its action in NMDA receptors, reducing glutamate release. But lately, as I got better from the FM symptoms and I started to get more adrenaline and with this, some more energy... Well, I don't know exactly what is better, but something is, and other things remain bad, like gastrointestinal problems. But now weed makes me really wrong, it can relieve some gut disconfort but brings really bad feelings, raises anxiety but most of all I get some very disturbing sensations in the chest, the throat and the head. Breathing, heart rate and other things that I relate to the vagus nerve are affected and I've found some info on CB1 receptors inhibiting vagus nerve action.

As I said weed has helped me a lot for some time, but now that my body is in a different state it makes things worse. So we should take it with care, try not to abuse (it helps to avoid depression but tolerance grows fast) and more research on it is needed, but prohibition and the novelty of the cannabinoid system discovery make it hard to happen.


Senior Member
Vancouver, BC
try not to abuse (it helps to avoid depression but tolerance grows fast)
hmmm I wonder if this might be your problem Owl? According to the research small amounts of marijuana can act as an antidepressant but higher amounts can have the opposite effect and lead to depression.

I've been able to maintain 0.1g daily in a vaporizer and tolerance hasn't really been as issue for me


Psychedelic bird
@panckage the symptoms I'm feeling now aren't from depression but a much more disgusting and I think severe condition. It is a really bad reaction from any dose and I know some other PWME suffer that kind of thing even without having consumed weed ever before.

I'm just saying, use it if you really need it for pain, mental fatigue, neuroinflamation... but we could do much better with more info so we know exactly how to use it and what for!

Also, eating or consuming oil extraction is a better way of administration, for weed, even vaporized has a bad effect in lungs, making them less efficent immunologicaly. http://www.atsjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1164/ajrccm.156.5.9704146#.VwtxE7TV7ik


Senior Member
@panckage the symptoms I'm feeling now aren't from depression but a much more disgusting and I think severe condition. It is a really bad reaction from any dose and I know some other PWME suffer that kind of thing even without having consumed weed ever before.

I'm just saying, use it if you really need it for pain, mental fatigue, neuroinflamation... but we could do much better with more info so we know exactly how to use it and what for!

Also, eating or consuming oil extraction is a better way of administration, for weed, even vaporized has a bad effect in lungs, making them less efficent immunologicaly. http://www.atsjournals.org/doi/abs/10.1164/ajrccm.156.5.9704146#.VwtxE7TV7ik
Thank you for sharing! Eating or using oil probably would be a healthier way to get the benefits. MM is probably something I'll never be able to try anyway.
I've legally been experimenting with medical marijuana this past year. I'm finding that I do best with 1:1 ratio of CBD:THC. I also did well on a high CBD to low THC ratio. The high THC no CBD doesn't work for me, in fact it makes my neuro symptoms worse. Straight CBD without THC does nothing for me. A sativa or sativa dominant hybrids are my preferred strains.

I prefer to use edibles or tinctures. The sensation from smoking or even vaporizing for me is too over powering, too much too fast for my senses. The effects from edibles are more gradual and last for a longer duration, but do take longer to kick in. I sometimes get decent pain coverage and a bit of energy from a 2-5 mg dose while able to keep a fairly clear head ( even on brain fog days.)

If I want to get to sleep fast, I will occasionally vaporize a high THC indica dominant strain. It can knock me out for a good three hours of sleep.

Be willing to experiment with strains and dosage if you are going to give it a trial. Remember, you can always have too little, but if you have too much it can be real unpleasant until it wears off.


Senior Member
Vancouver, BC


Psychedelic bird
@panckage Marijuana is good for some cancers, but it is proven to increase lung cancer risk. I'm not in a state that lets me do many things right now, writing this is being a little too much. :/ You can research it in google and google scholar.