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Lyme treatment / menorrhagia, is there a link?


Senior Member
Jerusalem, Israel
Hi all,

I have been in hospital for the last 48 hours for menorrhagia. This, after having 3.5 weeks of light bleeding after the precedent period. That is to say, there was no one day without bleeding between the 2 last periods, and the last one ended at the ER because of its heaviness.

My question is : as this event has occurred exactly during my first month of chronic lyme treatment (with minocycline, proteolytic enzymes and herbals - burbur/samento for the moment), could there be some link? Has someone here experimented menorrhagia as a Lyme treatment side-effect?
I understand that proteolytic enzymes have antifibrinolitic properties and may act in some ways. I took Wobenzym for the biofilms, but in the smallest dose indicated on the leaflet (6 tabs a day) so I thought there wouldn't be too much problem. Am I mistaken?

On the other hand, I am 48 and susceptible to peri menaupose symptoms in the near future, so that may be also linked to some hormone imbalances too...

Thank you in advance to give me some insights on the subject.


Senior Member
I get rocephin shots for lyme and the day I get the shot I often spot. Sometimes my period will start early because of the shot. I do think there is some connection, although I don't know the cause. I am also in my forties, so I am probably prone to more ups and downs with my cycle. One theory I have is the the rocephin makes the inflammation in my brain go down, which might then make pituitary or hypothalamic signals a little different. But who knows?


Senior Member
I was reading a blog post earlier today and it mentioned something about this while on Lyme treatment. I can't remember exactly, I only skimming through it for a quick read. I'll see if I can find it again and check what it says.


Senior Member
I just checked it out again, took me forever to find that particular blog post, it was from August last year, and couldn't get it on the blog itself, so had to retrace my steps from last night as I just came across it randomly and found it useful.

In it, she mentions that herx reaction can be much worse when ovulating. So perhaps not exactly what you're experiencing but possibly linked. She also says ovarian cysts common in Lyme patients (I think she had a personal or family history of it too), and she was recommended to take birth control to help prevent this. And it is how she comes to mentions an added benefit of less herxing too.