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Lyme Literate Therapist?


Due to the mental health professions attitude toward ME/CFIDS and lyme disease, I am wary of seeking out their support.

I have been sick for going on 15 years, unable to work for 8 years. Symptoms were attributed to depression, then CFS (without testing, etc). Finally got diagnosed with lyme and and have been treated for it for 2.5 years, and am worse than ever now.

Anyway, at this point I am trying to hold on to life long enough to get better. I am not going to kill myself (i.e. no need to worry or give me the suicide hotline number), but feel suicidal daily. I do not feel suicidal due to depression in the sense of having no motivation or interest. There are so many things I want to do, I just can not do them. But the issue that pushes me over the edge to feeling suicidal, is the pure physical suffering--severe pain, seizures, etc.

Ok, to get to my question. Does anyone know of a way to find a lyme literate therapist who can do phone counseling?

I don't have energy or patience to educate a therapist (or hope that it would be a successful effort), and I don't have any interest paying someone to suggest that I think positive, or get outside more, or do volunteer work.

Thanks for any info/suggestions/ideas. Much appreciated.

Yes, I am in California, northern Santa Barbara County.

However, I am too sick right now to make it to a therapists office on a regular basis, so I am looking for someone who could do phone appointments.

.Also, I am not hopeful that there are many/any lyme literate therapists in my geographical area.
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Senior Member
@search4health I actually know of a health psychologist who is extremely literate re: Lyme and other chronic illnesses but she is in Los Angeles and from what you described probably about 2-3 hours south of you. I am not sure if she does regular phone sessions for a client that she does not see in person. She is expensive and I do not think that she takes any insurance (but could be wrong about that.) If you want her info, send me a PM and I will give you her name.