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Long term sick - return to work


be yourself. everyone else is already taken.
@taniaaust1 I'm sorry to hear about your mother. I am glad you are here sharing and warning other people.

I looked it up and apparently some of these insurance companies work in both the US and the UK. Do you know the name of your insurance company? If you wish to share it I'm happy to look it up and see if we can find out more about how they are treating people (I don't mean how nice they are being... they always act nice... I mean are they tricking people to sign things or say things that later get their claims terminated).

I know in the US many people say the worst one is called "Unum" and I've read a lot of stories of people that wound up in a bad situation. Apparently, there are some companies that are really bad, but a few companies that are fair and some people have good experiences.
@KitCat Thank you so much for the offer. Claim wise, they have agreed to everything my employer requested. I don't want too put too much info on here and I'm returning to work very shortly so my contact with them will be over.

However, I will definitely be asking for a copy of any policy documents for future reference. This has taught me a lot.


be yourself. everyone else is already taken.
Thanks bookworm. I hope you continue to recover and have a wonderful experience going back to work.

If any future issues come up, I'm happy to try to do a little research and find out more.


be yourself. everyone else is already taken.
@KitCat Thank you so much for the offer. Claim wise, they have agreed to everything my employer requested. I don't want too put too much info on here and I'm returning to work very shortly so my contact with them will be over.

However, I will definitely be asking for a copy of any policy documents for future reference. This has taught me a lot.

Hi bookworm,

I was just checking in to see how things are going. I hope you are continuing to heal and everything is well.
Hi bookworm,

I was just checking in to see how things are going. I hope you are continuing to heal and everything is well.

Hi KitCat,
I'm good thanks. I've just finished a 6 week phased return back to work. My liaison was really supportive which has made the whole process a lot less stressful. I'm back to my normal working hours now and am feeling a bit drained but generally pretty good.

I have noticed an increase in brain fog, memory issues and headaches which I think is due to the mental demands on returning to the workplace.

I had a family wedding 2 weeks ago that we had to travel to, which was unfortunate timing. I had all of that preparation and increased hours in work. Luckily I had booked a few days off before and after which allowed me to manage my symptoms.

However, my rest periods on the day were thrown off due to a relative being an hour late to get a lift in the car with us. :mad:

This meant I didn't have an hour to rest between arriving at the venue and the ceremony. The couple also didn't serve any food until 3pm (we left home at 10.30am!). This really threw off my schedule and didn't help with my tendency to faint. But, I made it through!

I always think that weddings and funerals are some of the worst events to attend with ME/CFS. It's very hard to discreetly excuse yourself at either. There's usually a lot of standing still (my nemesis!), little seating, lots of drinking (in the UK anyway) and no quiet places to sit in peace!


be yourself. everyone else is already taken.

I am so glad to hear your return to work went well.

I'm super impressed that you traveled to a wedding and survived! I hope you will be able to rest and take care of yourself.

well done. thanks for letting me know :)