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Letter from Kathleen Sebelius???


Senior Member
Long Beach, CA
At the NIH ME/CFS conference, someone mentioned a letter about ME/CFS from Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius. Does anyone know anything about this? I'm guessing it was in the participants' packets, but I'd love to know what she said. I don't think previous HHS Secretaries have ever mentioned ME/CFS, have they? They haven't replied to the CFS Advisory Committee, at least.


Senior Member
Long Beach, CA
Thanks, urbantravels, that's just what I wanted. It sounds kind of, well, like it was written by staff, but it's still encouraging. It would be nice if it were a call to find a cause and a cure, but at least it "officially" says it's devastating. A step in the right direction. Twenty-five years late, but that's not her fault. <<looking forward>>