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Lady Gaga to release documentary on chronic illness


Senior Member
Not sure which section this should go in, but:
(CNN)Lady Gaga is hoping her forthcoming Netflix documentary will raise awareness of chronic illness, as she herself battles with fibromyalgia.

The singer on Tuesday opened up about her condition on social media, saying, "In our documentary the #chronicillness #chronicpain I deal w/ is #Fibromyalgia I wish to help raise awareness & connect people who have it."
Fibromyalgia is a chronic musculoskeletal disease that causes widespread pain, with patients often experiencing extreme fatigue, sleep disturbances, depression and headaches.


Groggy Doggy

Not sure which section this should go in, but:
(CNN)Lady Gaga is hoping her forthcoming Netflix documentary will raise awareness of chronic illness, as she herself battles with fibromyalgia.

The singer on Tuesday opened up about her condition on social media, saying, "In our documentary the #chronicillness #chronicpain I deal w/ is #Fibromyalgia I wish to help raise awareness & connect people who have it."
Fibromyalgia is a chronic musculoskeletal disease that causes widespread pain, with patients often experiencing extreme fatigue, sleep disturbances, depression and headaches.

I look forward to watching the documentary. Wondering how to get Lady Gaga a copy of 'Unrest"?


Senior Member
Saw this sympathetic article about fibromyalgia on the BBC website


I don't have fibro, so can't really comment on how accurate it is, but thought it made it very clear that it's a life-long, debilitating condition. No reference to Lady Gaga, but it's probably there because it's topical.


Senior Member
Notice her update today? She has had to cancel her Brazil concerts, to go to a hospital, she is in so much pain.

I saw that on the news today and was so sorry to hear she is ill. I saw Gaga in concert (the Monster Ball Tour) which was a few years before I got sick and she was phenomenal. Her concert was more like a theatrical production. Hoping she feels better soon.
Meanwhile at the therapists office.
Therapist: When reading through your medical record I noticed that many of your personality traits are risk factors for developing fybromyalgia.
Patient: Could you give an example?
Therapist: You don't seem to express your emotions. Pushing through when you don't feel well, thinking "it's going to be okay". I also saw distress from relationships being mentioned.
Patient: What are you referring to?
Therapist: "Pokerface", "Just dance", Bad romance"
Patient: That's my discography
Therapist: ...
Therapist: Excuse me, wrong page.
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