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Lack of Detection of Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus-Related Virus in HIV-1 Lymphoma


Senior Member
This is a new study I think, done by the NIH. Negative...

Lack of Detection of Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus-Related Virus in HIV-1 Lymphoma Patients

Krista Delviks-Frankenberry, Chawaree Chaipan, Rachel Bagni, Kathleen Wyvill, R. Yarchoan, and Vinay Pathak

Received 17 June 2011; Accepted 11 July 2011

Academic Editor: Yoshinao Kubo

Xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV) is a gammaretrovirus reported to be associated with human prostate cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. Since retroviruses cause various cancers, and XMRV replication might be facilitated by HIV-1 co-infection, we asked whether certain patients with HIV-associated lymphomas are infected with XMRV. Analysis of PMBCs and plasma from 26 patients failed to detect XMRV by PCR, ELISA, or Western blot, suggesting a lack of association between XMRV and AIDS-associated lymphomas.



Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Thanks, Jemal. What surprises me is that Rachel Bagni is a coauthor here. I think she works with the WPI group sometimes, so she should know how to do it right.

Edit: She was a coauthor of 2009's Lombardi et al. paper.


Senior Member
She is also a former student of Judy Mikovits I think. Haven't read the paper yet, so I don't know if it's very negative about XMRV or not.


Senior Member
could there be a lack of xmrv in HIV because they are already on anti-retro drugs?????????????????

It's possible it has an effect, yes.

That patients with HIV don't have XMRV, really doesn't say a lot, I think. They have compromised immune systems, but that doesn't have to mean they have XMRV. And I am not even sure if the researchers from this paper can reliably detect this virus anyway. So I am not sure this recent study adds anything new to the table...