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In memory of Louise Ramage


Stop the harm. Start the research and treatment.
Toronto, Canada
I only knew Louise through facebook - ME brought us together and ME took her away.

Louise's facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/louise.ramage1?pnref=story

Louise's daughter's post on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leeanne.ramage?fref=nf&pnref=story

It is with the most sadness that I tell you all that my mom Louise Ramage has passed away. We are completely devastated. Jacobs world has been turned upside down. If there is one thing she would want from me, she would want me to tell you about her disease M.E. this took her life and we can't even handle it. We wish she was back her with us but know that she is in heaven with my dad and watching over us. We are dying inside. Love you so much and I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you.xo

ETA: Louise (such a friendly smile):
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Senior Member
RIP Louise. I know you were terrified that harm would come to you as a result of being forced off of opiates for your pain.
Whatever the autopsy says was the cause, we all know the cause was ME

Would it be appropriate to ask why she was being forced off of opiates for her pain?!!! This is horrible and I am so sorry.

I did not know Louise but was brought to tears by her daughter's msg on FB posted above. What a tragic loss to her family and community.

As I always believe, may her memory be a blessing to those who knew her and she will live on through them. Praying for Louise and her family tonight. :angel:


Patient in training
Would it be appropriate to ask why she was being forced off of opiates for her pain?!!! This is horrible and I am so sorry.

The local doctors do not believe in opioid use for chronic conditions, especially for patientsq with ME and fibromyalgia. They consider opioid use inappropriate.

You can read the protocol from the Vancouver clinic where Louise was seen (not sure if she was currently seen or saw other doctors)
http://www.bcwomens.ca/Professional...rotocol-Opioid Taper Discontinuation 1.1.pdf

Groggy Doggy

The local doctors do not believe in opioid use for chronic conditions, especially for patientsq with ME and fibromyalgia. They consider opioid use inappropriate.

You can read the protocol from the Vancouver clinic where Louise was seen (not sure if she was currently seen or saw other doctors)
http://www.bcwomens.ca/Professional-Resources-site/Documents/Clinical Protocol-Opioid Taper Discontinuation 1.1.pdf
This is so sad. There seems to be no consideration to the emotional impact nor physical addiction understanding of cutting off a patient from ongoing opiod treatment (its NOT the same thing as switching drinking from cows milk to almond milk). Sadly, my guess is that this policy will increase the suicide rate, which I didn't see a study reference for :cry::cry:


Senior Member
The local doctors do not believe in opioid use for chronic conditions, especially for patientsq with ME and fibromyalgia. They consider opioid use inappropriate.

You can read the protocol from the Vancouver clinic where Louise was seen (not sure if she was currently seen or saw other doctors)
http://www.bcwomens.ca/Professional...rotocol-Opioid Taper Discontinuation 1.1.pdf

@Kati, I "liked" your post only to acknowledge what you wrote but not b/c I liked the ideas behind it which SUCK. That clinic should be sued (assuming Louise went there and was forced off of her pain meds- which of course we do not know and is only speculation.)

But in general, this is a horrible policy and I don't understand how a hospital or clinic can create a "One size fits all" policy vs. trying to at least attempt to meet the individual needs of the patients. I have been doing some very interesting research on opiates the last few days, which I will not post here b/c don't want to go off topic and this thread is about Louise, but plan to post later in the right place to hear what others think.

But, if this is true, it is criminal what they did to her. RIP beautiful Louise.


Stop the harm. Start the research and treatment.
Toronto, Canada
Yesterday, after Louise's daughter, Leeanne, posted this on facebook:

"This is Leeanne St Cyr ...my Mom's daughter. I want everyone to know how much I appreciate reading your posts. I know my Mom would have been so grateful and blown away with all of your amazing words and love. Here is to ME awareness. This is a real disease that kills people. Please donate to more research regarding this matter. If we had more knowledge I still could have had a Mom."

I reached out her, asking if I could honour her Mom and take a wreath, a photo of Louise, and copies of Leeanne's facebook notes to Minister of Health Jane Philpott's constituency office and video record the experience. This was Leeanne's reply:

"That would be amazing, she would love that. Thank you so much."

I'm planning that tomorrow afternoon I will go to Minister Philpott's office and ask to deliver it to her personally - I do not know if she will be there - I am planning on reading Leeanne's notes aloud - and asking Minister Philpott to respond to Leeanne and the ME community - I then plan to post the video online in honour of Louise.

Any one in the Toronto area is welcome to join me at Minister Philpott's office.

(ETA: Since Leeanne mentions "please donate to more research", I wonder if it would be helpful if people wishing to make a donation knew where to direct their funds? I'm not aware of Canadian researchers / orgns accepting donations. Ideas?)