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How much Metafolin do I take?


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I'm just wondering how you know how much metafolin to take? I just upped to 1200 mcg today. How do you know when you have enough?

I'm also taking 250 mgs L Carnitine Fumarate, 1000 mcg MB12, was taking 1000 mcg HB12 but experimenting with it and supplementing with potassium.


Senior Member
I am in the same boat. I started with 400mcg and I am now at 1600.
I guess you can monitor your symptoms and maybe do some lab testing.

For example, in terms of symptoms methylfolate seems to help me with focus and attention. Mental energy in general. Maybe also some physical energy but that's probably B12 too.

In terms of methylation cycle I need it because I am MTHFR C677+/+ and my homocysteine levels are still high. I also decided to try the famous Methylation Panel that Rich VanK and others talk about. I got my results today and my reduced folate levels are still very low. SAM is low, GSH pretty low too.

Although I don't like to obsess too much over numbers from a lab test, in general this exam helps understanding how effective is the current methylation protocol. In my case I still have a long way to go.



But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
I've noticed no difference at all in how I feel. My NP has my 23andMe results I was just wondering for myself. For testing I need my PCP on board and I'm seeing a new guy next week so don't want to discuss this off the bat.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
@minkeygirl I've been thinking of this question since you posted it. I don't really know the answer. Maybe waiting for your results is intelligent. Those of us who choose to go onto a methylation protocol are looking for improvement in the way our bodies are handling just about everything.

If you're not feeling improvement in energy, and/or focus, attention, neurological aspects, then it's likely you need more. The suggested way to increase if you're using Freddd's Protocol is by approx 200mcg every day or 2. MethylB12 needs to go up as well, although not necessarily each time you increase folate. But the tendency is to have them in doses that are increasing in relation to each other. I've stabilized at MFolate 15mg and MB12 20mg, AdB12 3.3mg.

Sometimes when I increased the folate I got some histamine-like symptoms: runny eyues, itchy, restless. This is what Ben Lynch calls 'over-methylation' and advises B3/Niacin to slow tyhings down. However I've had excellent results at these times by just popping a 1mg B12, even at bedtime. I may or may not add that to my ongoing B12 dosagfe schedule the next day. I use self-testing to work out all my supplement dosages. cheers, ahmo


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
@ahmo You overcomplicated it. I just wanted the name of a metafolin more than 800 mcgs that would be more cost effective. That's all.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Right now I'm taking 800 mcgs and 1/2 of a 400, which I now remember I forgot to do this morning. friday I go up to 1200 then I'll hold till my doc appt.


Senior Member
I'm pretty sure OTC metafolin tops out at 800 mcg, which IMO is a small amount. it s available by prescription as Deplin in 7500 and 15000 mcg. If you have good rx coverage it may be cheaper that way.

Are you taking any adb12? AKA dibencozide or dibencoplex? If not this might be something that would help.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
FYI it comes in 1000 mcg. I'm taking MB12, HB12, LCF. Will switch to ADB12 when I run out of HB12 per my doctor. Ultimate dose is up to her.