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how long did it take for your methylation protocol to kick in?


Senior Member
I worked up to a bad reaction w turmeric last December... Since it's so helpful w inflammation (supposedly) I thought it should be helpful for me... However, it was just nothing until is was harmful.

I'm going to try the B2, (active form) next.
Hmmm.... I tried it for the same reason, that it's supposed to help with inflammation. Supposedly it's bad for you if you are MAO-A +/+, which I see you are... (MAO inhibitor - which is possibly a problem with folks with MAO-A - or at least they say it is for +/+ which seems to have held true for you). I am due to go on 'break' from supplements starting this weekend. I will take a break from everything, then when I start back up, I will wait and see, if I can't notice a worsening of symptoms (which I didn't notice an improvement while on it) I think I'll keep it off of my list.


Senior Member
Once you found the correct combo of methylation supps (folate, b12, etc), how long did it take for you to feel better? Not 100% well, but to get some noticeable relief, maybe so you could say, Yes, this is the right track to recovery. :) I tried this last Spring, and the naturopath said that people know immediately if it works. Well, I didn't have an immediate reaction. Since then, I've read that it takes 6 - 8 weeks to kick in, so I'm giving the metafolin/b12/p5p another try. Not sure if that's until you feel anything OR recovery. I feel like the metafolin helps, but honestly, it's hard to tell during allergy season. I also read that metafolin has a 3 hour half life, so I"m dividing the doses this time.

Probably a year and half??
I tried methylB12, folate and p5p back in 2013 when my sister told me about mthfr and that she was +/+ for c677t.
Didn't do much for my myopathy at all.
Fastforward to late 2014 and found out riboflavin and coq10 improved pain enough to stop opiate pain meds.
Also found I was homozygous for c677t about that time.
Found out other mito energy cofactors also improved the pain and stiffness.
So I restarted the methylation protocol again.
Slow improvements in pain and fatigue started occuring.
Also been taking B1, B5 and molybdunum
Started taking phosphorus and manganese last week and more improvement noticed.
Still got pain and stiffness at the end of a workday but instead of at 10 its at a 2 or 3.
Another thing I've noticed I've had to ramp up B12 to match the high methyl folate amounts I take each day.
If I didn't I would get fatigued quicker and feel tired and sleepy.


Senior Member
I worked up to a bad reaction w turmeric last December... Since it's so helpful w inflammation (supposedly) I thought it should be helpful for me... However, it was just nothing until is was harmful.

I'm going to try the B2, (active form) next.

Interesting, what negative reactions do you experience from Turmeric (curcumin)?


Senior Member
how much choline did you take? a high dose, or the dose on the bottle? this jarrow "citicoline cdp choline" gets good reviews...the directions say 250 mg is a serving
Sorry so late in answering these. I don't think my notifications are working correctly.

I wouldn't take more than 500mg/day. And before 1p, in case it gives you extra energy.

which choline do you recommend? i like the jarrow brand, and they have something call "citicoline" and natures way had a choline/inositol combo.... which one do you think is better?
I'd stick with straight choline. Citicholine is a type of choline, and in fact I think it's what gave me the biggest boost.


Senior Member
Sorry so late in answering these. I don't think my notifications are working correctly.

I wouldn't take more than 500mg/day. And before 1p, in case it gives you extra energy.

I'd stick with straight choline. Citicholine is a type of choline, and in fact I think it's what gave me the biggest boost.

is sunflower lecithin choline, as well? So you DON'T recommend the citicholine? what brand of choline do you recommend? thanks


Senior Member
Interesting, what negative reactions do you experience from Turmeric (curcumin)?

I didn't feel like it really helped my inflammation all that much; I felt aggressive, though. I got a bad hemorrhoid (gross, sorry). I just generally felt weird.... I DO like something called zyflamend, although it's inconsistently helpful... that has a little bit of curcumin, so I wouldn't say that taking small doses of turmeric or curcumin have a negative effect... It 's just when I crank up the dosages that I get into trouble... I'm done w it, unless it's part of a blend.
Florida, USA
Please help guys, I am a newbie at the Freddd's protocol and don't have my 23andme results yet.

I can not stand the brain fog I am getting from the protocol. I can't seem to figure out why or what is giving it to me. I don't want to stop as I do feel it is helping me energy wise though.

I feel like my frontal lobe is melting sometimes, it is awful.:(

I do feel a little relief with potassium, should I try zinc too? I have mercury so wasn't sure if I should add it in.

I just had garlic for the first time in months and it nearly gave me a panic attack, it was with parmesean cheese (glutomate) on a caeser salad. The anxiety was horrible and I felt half brain dead for about 45 minutes. I took some potassium and a crumb of b12 and feel relief.

This is a tough road guys, and I just want to know I am doing the right thing and WHY my brain feels like it is melting half the time, it almost feels as if I am mobilizing mercury or aluminum, God forbid! What makes my brain feel this way? It's scary.



Senior Member
Please help guys, I am a newbie at the Freddd's protocol and don't have my 23andme results yet.

I can not stand the brain fog I am getting from the protocol. I can't seem to figure out why or what is giving it to me. I don't want to stop as I do feel it is helping me energy wise though.

I feel like my frontal lobe is melting sometimes, it is awful.:(

I do feel a little relief with potassium, should I try zinc too? I have mercury so wasn't sure if I should add it in.

I just had garlic for the first time in months and it nearly gave me a panic attack, it was with parmesean cheese (glutomate) on a caeser salad. The anxiety was horrible and I felt half brain dead for about 45 minutes. I took some potassium and a crumb of b12 and feel relief.

This is a tough road guys, and I just want to know I am doing the right thing and WHY my brain feels like it is melting half the time, it almost feels as if I am mobilizing mercury or aluminum, God forbid! What makes my brain feel this way? It's scary.

I'm sorry that you're feeling so lousy... I've am just starting to feel better myself and know that it's a long process... Honestly, it's all trial and error, highly individualized, so I can't tell you precisely what to do...

Generally speaking, diet and gut health is extremely important... if you haven't done an elimination diet, start there. I think that the 4 R's is a solid approach, Remove (food / ingredients that irritate your digestive tract) Replace (nutrients), Reinoculate (probiotics, etc.), Repair (digestive tract) . Here's one source...I heard Dr Amy Myers on a podcast, and I think her book is worth investigating... Also, Chris Kresser's podcast is popular.

2nd - supplement protocols after gut is addressed... These didn't help me until I had a lot of rest.. Get Vitamin D checked, and thyroid checked (check Stop the Thyroid Madness site for basic tests on thyroid).

Lots of knowledge on this site and a very helpful community. good luck, and hang in there!


Senior Member
fwiw I recieved some Jarrows Methyl B12 Friday and wow what a kick in the energy levels.
I was able to work on my cars, mow the lawn and do house repairs til dark yesterday and today.
Just been on cob B12 and adeno B12 the past couple of months after I ran out of methyl B12.
I think I depleted my B12 levels with high folate supplementation and now with the Jarrows its balanced again.


Senior Member
I feel like my frontal lobe is melting sometimes, it is awful.:(

I do feel a little relief with potassium, should I try zinc too? I have mercury so wasn't sure if I should add it in.

I just had garlic for the first time in months and it nearly gave me a panic attack, it was with parmesean cheese (glutomate) on a caeser salad. The anxiety was horrible and I felt half brain dead for about 45 minutes. I took some potassium and a crumb of b12 and feel relief.

are you taking any kind of sulfur related supplements or foods?
sam-e, vitamin B1 etc?
garlic has alot of sulfur, I have had similar reactions to sulfur compounds and have to avoid them.
I take a molybdenum supplement to help reduce sulfur levels.
Florida, USA
are you taking any kind of sulfur related supplements or foods?
sam-e, vitamin B1 etc?
garlic has alot of sulfur, I have had similar reactions to sulfur compounds and have to avoid them.
I take a molybdenum supplement to help reduce sulfur levels.
Thanks @pogoman
I'm not taking Sam-E, I am taking B1 in my NatureMade multi that Freddd recommends. I know I don't do well with sulfur but was advised to add a little in as it might help with mercury. I don't normally eat garlic at all, so it was very extreme.

Sometimes I crave things like eggs or cabbage, not sure if that is because of sulfur?

I think I need to get on Moly again.

Regarding the Jarrow mb12, is this a brand thing? I'm on Solgar mb12 right now. Maybe I should switch brands.

So are you saying that adding in folate could actually make us need more b12? I'm still trying to get my head around Freddd's protocol, done the reading but in practice, it's another story especially with brain fog...

Boy, I really wish I had majored in chemistry now:)

Florida, USA
I'm sorry that you're feeling so lousy... I've am just starting to feel better myself and know that it's a long process... Honestly, it's all trial and error, highly individualized, so I can't tell you precisely what to do...

Generally speaking, diet and gut health is extremely important... if you haven't done an elimination diet, start there. I think that the 4 R's is a solid approach, Remove (food / ingredients that irritate your digestive tract) Replace (nutrients), Reinoculate (probiotics, etc.), Repair (digestive tract) . Here's one source...I heard Dr Amy Myers on a podcast, and I think her book is worth investigating... Also, Chris Kresser's podcast is popular.

2nd - supplement protocols after gut is addressed... These didn't help me until I had a lot of rest.. Get Vitamin D checked, and thyroid checked (check Stop the Thyroid Madness site for basic tests on thyroid).

Lots of knowledge on this site and a very helpful community. good luck, and hang in there!
Great advice on the gut @ebethc, thank you.

I'm working on my gut for sure, aren't we all?:) I've done loads of colonics, cleanses, probiotics and the such. I know there is still room for improvement. My diet is pretty static, I keep to the same foods, as for yesterday and the garlic and parm, that was out of the norm and I paid for it. I swear today I feel like I drank 4 martinis last night. I am taking potassium and it is helping.

Maybe the brain fog is related to the gut, I'm not sure. I know that lots of potassium does help. I just can't understand how to get my minerals up and to stay up.

I read recently that EFA's are a big part of keeping minerals in and keeping hydrated. They tend to create the proper cell wall permeability where minerals can easily get in and out the way they are supposed to. They are also important in keeping the bile in the liver flowing so that we may detox properly on that level.

I am looking into adding in Borage Oil and Fish Oil in the correct amounts, again a Phd in chemistry would handy at the moment:)



Senior Member
Thanks @pogoman
I'm not taking Sam-E, I am taking B1 in my NatureMade multi that Freddd recommends. I know I don't do well with sulfur but was advised to add a little in as it might help with mercury. I don't normally eat garlic at all, so it was very extreme.

Sometimes I crave things like eggs or cabbage, not sure if that is because of sulfur?

I think I need to get on Moly again.

Regarding the Jarrow mb12, is this a brand thing? I'm on Solgar mb12 right now. Maybe I should switch brands.

So are you saying that adding in folate could actually make us need more b12? I'm still trying to get my head around Freddd's protocol, done the reading but in practice, it's another story especially with brain fog...

Boy, I really wish I had majored in chemistry now:)


I don't think its a brand thing as more I had stopped methyl B12 and that particular type of B12 works better than the others for me.
I am not sensitive to B12 either, been taking it for quite a few years altho it didn't help my mthfr until I took supporting mitochondrial cofactors more recently.
I do carry both copies of c677t mthfr and relatively high amounts of methyl folate and B12 are helping me.
I found that they do go hand in hand in improving energy and reduction in pain after activity.