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hiring someone to help you file?


Demon on Wheels
Los Angeles, CA
First of all, of course, I'm tired. I hardly feel like even posting this. But besides that obvious hurdle...

I was reading that most claims are rejected at first and often take a year... is there a group or entity you can hire to help do the paperwork, recommend doctors, and take care of the process to increase your likelihood of getting disability? I don't know if I can do this on my own and waiting a year seems to, well, suck.

I moved out to LA on my own 3 years ago, no family here... no family to go back to really, just my mom left and she is in a tiny apartment on government assistance... er, which has nothing to do with my topic, sorry.. rambling.


Señor Mumbler

Others here can probably provide more specific help but I'll give it a go.

Here's Cort's summary with helpful links.

Here's a site that looks informative. http://www.disabilitysecrets.com/

I think when your illness is this bad finding an SSDI attorney is probably a must. I believe they are limited as to what they can charge. Many disability lawyers have doctors they know that help the process. Hopefully a member in your area can give you a reccommendation of someone in your area to contact.

I think it's really hard (impossible?) to win without a well-documented medical and functional histories.

Best wishes,


Senior Member
Sth Australia
or try to get a disability advocate or a social worker who works with people with disabilities to help you.

I had no one to help me and Unfortuntely the process of trying to get disability crashed me back to a point ive only just managed to recover from 2.5yrs later. The process is terrible..
Hi.. I am writing this to tell you my unusual experience with disability. First, I got it. No review, no nothing; on my first try, which did online, by myself,brain fog and all. Second, I am classed permanently disabled; the worst classification you can get. The absolute soonest they can review me is in 5-7 years.

I had to go to 2 of their doctors; one a total jerk, for a physical, the other a very kind man for a mental exam. I have had many MRIs, because at first it was assumed I had MS my neuro symptoms were so severe. I use a wheelchair if I'm going any distance, and I can't push myself; too tiring. To finally get a dx of CFS/Fibro I had to go to the Mayo Clinic, but the only other thing they dx me with was a balance disorder due to nerve damage in my right ear. I am not bed -ridden, I have good and bad days like many here. I have "only" been seriously ill for 2 years.

I'm telling you all this because although my case is certainly not what you usually hear, it did happen. I, like you, wasn't sure if I should even try. But, boy am I glad I did! I have no idea why I got benefits so relatively easily; I know there are others more sick than I who were denied, or at least had to appeal. But I tell anyone who asks to at least apply, and see what happens..you never know!



Demon on Wheels
Los Angeles, CA
How long did it take the first time to get it?

I'm wondering how I will pay my bills long enough to make it if it takes 6 mo to a year... my safety net has been gone for some time.


Senior Member
Pm me for the name of an advocate who helped me get it on the 2nd go around.. or first apeal.. no judges.. nothing.
I believe she has a good track record with CFS patients.
How long did it take the first time to get it?

I'm wondering how I will pay my bills long enough to make it if it takes 6 mo to a year... my safety net has been gone for some time.

Even in what I consider my "miracle" case, I'm afraid it did take 5 months. Getting an advocate sounds like good advice; I know my case is an exception. BUT, there is no way to say for sure how it will go. All the negative info almost made me NOT apply; I was so, so close to not even trying. Then it turns out I just... got it. So, don't give up. Good things can happen. The sooner you apply the sooner your chances of getting it.
Hey Steve,

You may want to check out the link below that tellls about the disability determination process. It can help you understand what they are looking for to determine if you are disabled. The link at the left shows "disability evalaution under social security". You can read thru their requirements and maybe start getting some ideas for getting that in to line.

good luck, hang in there



Senior Member
I was one of the lucky people who received social security disability benefits on my first try, without hiring help.

I was really careful in filling out the forms and jumping through the hoops. If the directions said "Write one page describing your disability", I wrote one page exactly. I made sure that nothing was left incomplete. I complied with the requirement to have a psychological evaluation, even though there were stairs to climb to the doctor's office. I can't say that any of it was easy.

I also had a steady work history for many years when I became ill. My diagnosis of CFS was confirmed by two doctors and a well-known researcher.

I tried to make my application as good as I could so that the average government evaluator would not have any questions about it and would be able to approve it.

The advice I had at the time was to apply on my own, and then, if I was turned down, hire a disability lawyer.

I waited a long time to apply. I knew the process could be difficult and that lots of people got turned down. I'll never know what went right in my case, but I got lucky. I received a large back payment and full benefits. :victory:


Senior Member
I assume you're talking about Social Security Disability. Most lawyers won't take you on until you've been denied at least once. Allsup is a service that will take you on from the initial application. They were former SSDI workers so they know the system and how to provide the info SS is looking for. I have heard of several success stories of people with FM getting approved the first or second time through.

The other thing you'll need to have is a doctor who can say that you will be unable to work for at least one year. That is the minimum to be eligible.

Have you checked into California state disability yet? What is the status on that? What about through your job? You should apply for everything you're eligible for.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Hi.. I am writing this to tell you my unusual experience with disability. First, I got it. No review, no nothing; on my first try, which did online, by myself,brain fog and all. Second, I am classed permanently disabled; the worst classification you can get. The absolute soonest they can review me is in 5-7 years.

I think it all depends on whether the person who is in change of granting the pension... knows about the seriousness of CFS or not.

The third appeal assessor told me he would of passed my disability claim immediately first up if he'd been the one dealing with it.. He was talking to me about CFS so i could see he had a very good understanding of it, he knew it was serious. (the other two assessors didnt believe in CFS).

The assessors need to be educated in CFS! and that would change things for everyone.

The other thing you'll need to have is a doctor who can say that you will be unable to work for at least one year. That is the minimum to be eligible.

That sounds easier than Australia, its not 1 yr here, its 2 years that one has to prove one wont be able to work for, you basically have to make it sound like the illness is permanent. (and then one is still reassessed every 2 years).


Demon on Wheels
Los Angeles, CA
I assume you're talking about Social Security Disability. Most lawyers won't take you on until you've been denied at least once. Allsup is a service that will take you on from the initial application. They were former SSDI workers so they know the system and how to provide the info SS is looking for. I have heard of several success stories of people with FM getting approved the first or second time through.

The other thing you'll need to have is a doctor who can say that you will be unable to work for at least one year. That is the minimum to be eligible.

Have you checked into California state disability yet? What is the status on that? What about through your job? You should apply for everything you're eligible for.

I talked to HR at my job... they called me back about it but I missed the call. So I'll probably find out next week. I also realized since I teach for the state community college they have not been taking out SS since I have worked there -- probably not good news. I didn't realize the CA State disability was separate from my job... I'll have to see if I can find info about it.