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Hillary Johnson - CDC & Phoenix rising


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Hillary talks about the CDC study and the reactions to it by The Phoenix Rising forum members!

(mentions comments by: anciendaze, V99, Judderwocky, Esther12, Robyn, Tammie, muffin, CBS, Sickofcfs, Dufresne, ixchelkali, Revda, firefly, beesknees, shiso, Mya Symons, jspotila, Stone, Katimoomoo, and oceanblue.) (well done:victory:)
Reno, NV
Reeves Disease Not CFS, It took a year to get this published

If you want to laugh the journal wants $30.00 for this. lol lol lol

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Article Information

Part of these analyses have been presented at the 67th Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society.

Received: August 9, 2009
Accepted after revision: January 5, 2010
Published online: July 28, 2010
Number of Print Pages : 7
Number of Figures : 0, Number of Tables : 3, Number of References : 30