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(Higher) "Prevalence of Celiac Disease in Multiple Sclerosis"


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Free full text at: http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/pdf/1471-2377-11-31.pdf

Only a small non-random study of course.

Prevalence of Celiac Disease in Multiple Sclerosis

Luis Rodrigo , Carlos Hernandez-Lahoz , Dolores Fuentes , Noemi Alvarez , Antonio Lopez-Vazquez and Segundo Gonzalez

BMC Neurology 2011, 11:31doi:10.1186/1471-2377-11-31
Published: 7 March 2011

Abstract (provisional)


Celiac disease (CD) is a common systemic disease related to a permanent intolerance to gluten and is often associated with different autoimmune and neurological diseases. Its mean prevalence in the general population is 1-2% worldwide. Our aim was to study the prevalence of celiac disease in a prospective series of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) patients and their first-degree relatives.

We analyzed the prevalence of serological, histological and genetic CD markers in a series of 72 MS patients and in their 126 first-degree relatives, compared to 123 healthy controls.

Tissue IgA-anti-transglutaminase-2 antibodies were positive in 7 MS patients (10%), compared to 3 healthy controls (2.4%) (p<0.05). OR: 5.33 (CI-95%: 1.074-26.425). No differences were found in HLA-DQ2 markers between MS patients (29%) and controls (26%) (NS). We detected mild or moderate villous atrophy (Marsh III type) in duodenal biopsies, in 8 MS patients (11.1%). We also found a high proportion of CD among first-degree relatives: 23/126 (32%). Several associated diseases were detected, mainly dermatitis 41 (57%) and iron deficiency anemia in 28 (39%) MS patients. We also found in them, an increased frequency of circulating auto-antibodies such as anti-TPO in 19 (26%), ANA in 11 (15%) and AMA in 2 (3%).

We have found an increased prevalence of CD in 8 of the 72 MS patients (11.1%) and also in their first-degree relatives (23/126 [32%]). Therefore, increased efforts aimed at the early detection and dietary treatment of CD, among antibody-positive MS patients, are advisable.

Medscape article: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/738740