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Senior Member
Hi. I know this has been discussed to some degree here before but I'd like to know if it is fairly common for ME/CFS patients to have both high B12 and folate levels without having any of the potentially serious diseases that might accompany that (e.g. liver and blood cancers, etc).

I haven't had my B12 or folate checked in decades until now and my B12 was flagged high @ 1152 pg/ml (range 200-1100) and folate RBC 865 (range 280-790). The rest of my labs (CBC, comprehensive panels, etc) all looked fine.

I've had CFS for 30 years and have had a significant relapse the past 2 yrs. I take 1,000 mcg methyl B12 plus a multi vitamin.

I'll see the doctor soon but wondered if this was common with CFS as the scientific articles about high B12 & folate like this one http://qjmed.oxfordjournals.org/content/106/6/505 are enough to cause a panic attack :)

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Senior Member
Those results are not very far above range and could probably be explained by the supplements.

Yes elevated results can be associated with some serious problems, eg liver and kidney disease, cancer, but more commonly might mean deficiency or some problem with transport.

I had very high levels of both, but functional deficiency on an OAT. I came to realise that a likely source of the high levels was supplementation of cyanocobalamin and folic acid (via a multivitamin) which I wasn't processing properly. Since then I've supplemented with active forms, scrupulously avoiding the inactive ones. This reversed the functional deficiencies and I haven't bothered to have folate or cobalamin blood tests. They don't seem to be terribly useful apart from revealing frank deficiencies.

Functional deficiency and/or inefficient carrier transport have always seemed more likely to be the source of the high values which a number of people on PR have reported, given that metabolic derangements of various kinds appear to be common with this disease.

Personally I've never worried about the sinister possibilities, figuring that other signs of kidney or liver disease or cancer would also be evident.


Senior Member
Those results are not very far above range and could probably be explained by the supplements.
Yes elevated results can be associated with some serious problems, eg liver and kidney disease, cancer, but more commonly might mean deficiency or some problem with transport.
Personally I've never worried about the sinister possibilities, figuring that other signs of kidney or liver disease or cancer would also be evident.

@alicec - Thank you so much for your feedback. It made me feel better. :)