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HHV levels high enough to warrant treatment?


Wondering about this. I've read so many different threshold numbers for HHV6 IGG levels and treatment with something like Valcyte, I thought I'd look to all of your experience. Last year, I had HHV6 (actually marked HSV6 on Quest) of 1:640. I think that is the threshold that at least some of the places (Montoya, etc) says you treat at.
However, I had them re-tested and they came in recently at 1:40, which is quite a bit lower. I've been on (a fairly low dose so far) Equilibrant…and I even think i read a member here saying that their HHV6 seemed to go down while on Equilbrant. Anyway, can anyone tell me if a 1:40 is possibly relevant? It seems like that level is quite low. Thanks.
Greensboro NC
Were the two tests done by the same lab? I read somewhere (HHV-6Foundation.org I think) that different labs give results in different ways. Also, there can be variations depending on whether the test was done in serum or plasma. I'm just starting on the HHV-6 journey myself...my level is 1:1280. I'm trying (begging, actually) to get my doc to start me on Valcyte. If you've not checked out the HHV-6 Foundation website, you definitely should. It's a great resource with tons of information about the disease, symptoms, treatment, research, etc. I hope you can find some answers and get the help you need. :)


Senior Member
The HHV6 Foundation seems to favor Quest/Focus for testing. If I'm reading their table right, they say > 1:160 at Focus could be considered an active infection.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
Mine is over 1:160 from Quest. I haven't talked to my PCP about Valcyte but did talk about going to an Infectious Disease doc. @halcyon Doesn't that graph say either recent or current infection?

It also says if the patient has an immune deficiency with low total IgG, then the antibody titer will not be elevated. If HHV-6 is the only antibody titer out of five viruses to be elevated above average, then this indicates possible HHV-6 infection.

I'm in the process of getting tested for CVID or an other immune disorder so I'm not sure where that leaves me.


Were the two tests done by the same lab? I read somewhere (HHV-6Foundation.org I think) that different labs give results in different ways. Also, there can be variations depending on whether the test was done in serum or plasma. I'm just starting on the HHV-6 journey myself...my level is 1:1280. I'm trying (begging, actually) to get my doc to start me on Valcyte. If you've not checked out the HHV-6 Foundation website, you definitely should. It's a great resource with tons of information about the disease, symptoms, treatment, research, etc. I hope you can find some answers and get the help you need. :)
If your doc won't give you Valcyte you may want to consider trying olive leaf extract. I have had the same process with OLE that is reported in Valcyte treatment.