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Have you had dehydration?


water is not enough

I have, and it does play a role, what nobody ever told me was that sometimes u need more than water. So I was dehydrated but I kept drinking water (until lips were not dry technique). The more water I drank, the worse it got.

Then I was told about the salt and potassium so I am doing salted pistachios as snack, and a 1/2 to 1 bottle of Pedialite a day ( until lips are not dry) I can tell the difference in my heart rate variability, it becomes more stable. Don't get as dizzy... General malaise is better.



Senior Member
i get dehydrated feeling alot...ive not asked doctor really why ive brought it up and just been told drink more water..thats all i drink is water..i drink it to sometimes i throw up...i also eat ice, and popsicles to keep from getting dehydrated...i cant drink pedialite or gateraide or anything becuase of stomach i throw it up immediately...

but eating ice and popsicles seem to help..thats funny i never really thought that others would have same problem or it could be linked to the illness...i just thought like doctor said i needed to drink more water..though as i said i drink alot...


Senior Member
I absolutely have, and from the information I've gathered, I would very firmly say that it's a big issue for us. There is a lot of information out there to indicate that we have a lower volume of blood than the average healthy person, so we may be in legitimate need of more fluids to fill out what we do have. There is also some evidence to indicate that something may occasionally be off with our anti-diuretic hormone, so we would consequently lose more water from our body than others. Not sure if the two are connected, but both seem like likely connections to why we're so thirsty.

And yes, I am crazy thirsty all the time. Beverages with electrolytes and about three litres or more of water per day have helped me some. I do notice that I seem to feel worse if I don't drink enough a couple of days in a row. And anything that dries me out normally (like coffee) is enough to push me into a pretty major slump now.


senior member
Concord, NH
Yes, I also drink at least 3 liters of water per day. I should look into again an electrolyte replacement. It seems to have gotten better for me now that I have different work hours. When I used to wake earlier for work, I wuold always feel very dehydrated and still feel that way at work.



Senior Member
Me too. I have sea salt in the morning, which is helping my body hold fluids better. Its good not to take much if your kidney function is low. And magnesium oil spray as extra - saves on hair product too, giving dry hair a shinier look. Fish oil is good for hydrating too. I had a friend who said her symptoms disappeared as she introduced sea salt in, but i havent gotten back to her since.


Senior Member
Brookfield, Wisconsin
I also have had this problem, and find that Gatorade helps a great deal. I go through a 2 liter bottle in about 4 days.

I can't imagine life without it.



Senior Member
Ok, I have an interesting thought to add to all of this. I was diagnosed with Autoimmune Encephalitis after my 5th hospitalization since last May. Now this is something that people with strong immune systems don't get; and my age is 73 which may play into some of it. Still, electrolyte imbalance also plays a role.

I do want you to know: I was also hospitalized with a bowel blockage during this time. One of the Dr.'s mentioned this could be caused by an electrolyte balance and since AE can be caused by the same thing, this caught my attention.

I would suggest that you cut down on your water, and drink something like Gatorade (you can get a light version of this without all the added sugars, but bear in mind that you do need some sugar). This business of being told we need as much water as possible has caused a lot of people to get in trouble. We also need salt, sugar and a few other things to balance out our electrolyte losses. My lips were dry all the time, too, and I finally found a product called Lansinoh (on Amazon...seems expensive, but a tube lasts forever), that seems to help with the dryness.

The people urging you to use Gatorade, or I've even been told Smart Water, are correct. It's very important to keep those electrolytes balanced. Please just don't overdo it....Smart Water can be homemade with cucumbers and lime, probably some salt unless you're putting that on your food). Watermelon is also good for holding in electrolytes and helping to produce them. Just don't eat it past 3:00 p.m. or you'll be up urinating all night. If I find anything else out about electrolytes, I'll let you know. The advice about drinking too much water and cutting back on salt is fine....it's just that the habits of the patient should be checked out in addition.


Senior Member
I feel like if I don't have frequent sips of water I get dry mouth, skin, dry and cracked lips (actual cuts) (I also have dry eyes since many years), but I found out lately I'm peeing about 1 liter more than what I drink (if I drink 1,5l I pee 2,5l) and the urine seems quite concentrated too (yellow, not clear). I also have frequent diarrhea, which doesn't help. I'm 153cm x 49kg, so pretty small.
I drink about 1,5-2 l, which I think is a correct amount. I don't know if I am actually slightly dehydrated (peeing too much?) or I feel dehydrated, but I'm actually not. Because I guess dehydration could explain some fatigue etc.


Senior Member
I had hypo-natriema when ilness started even though I was drinking loads of salted water when tested.It seems to be common problem among us.

replacing my tab water with actual mineral water with a naturally high content in sodium seems to help me more than florinef.(!)

Note: it is worth it to try several mineral waters,some are pretty useless when it comes to electrolytes(i.e."evian")
check and compare labels.
the mineral water I use has 6.0 mg sodium(natrium)per liter.
Hello, as @Pearshsped said hypo-natremia could be a potential cause. I am not a doctor, so I explain my own experience.
In my case, I noticed it several times after taking heavy antibiotics for months (I have no choice, having urinary TBC and severe recurring hemorragic UTIs).
I noticed because urine was not clean and my urethra, which normally burns like fire, burnt like hell, heavily worsening my symptoms. I started to drink up to 3,5 litres but nothing ...
I was always thirsty no matter how much I drank, and much more tired than normal.

I discovered it was due to mineral salts, and I resolved taking Polase (or similar integrators involving potassium, magnesium ...) and drinking orange juice.

Hope I helped you!


Senior Member
I feel like if I don't have frequent sips of water I get dry mouth, skin, dry and cracked lips (actual cuts) (I also have dry eyes since many years), but I found out lately I'm peeing about 1 liter more than what I drink (if I drink 1,5l I pee 2,5l) and the urine seems quite concentrated too (yellow, not clear). I also have frequent diarrhea, which doesn't help. I'm 153cm x 49kg, so pretty small.
I drink about 1,5-2 l, which I think is a correct amount. I don't know if I am actually slightly dehydrated (peeing too much?) or I feel dehydrated, but I'm actually not. Because I guess dehydration could explain some fatigue etc.

Hi Ellie.....You seem to be heading in the direction I was when all this began. My mouth was constantly dry (and that can be a side-effect of too much water, as there is such a thing), were also constantly dry and cut (thus the Lansinoh, which I had to apply multiple times...not good). and my tongue itself was dry in the middle portion...a strange feeling.. My biggest problem is that I love being outdoors and going in at noon is what I have to do...it's a long day when you can't be outdoors, as so many of you know.

The odd thing is that I should have caught it when I gave up salt....that was something I used in huge amounts, and it was nothing when I said "that's it. No more." My body didn't miss it in the least. The doctors are totally confused about what I should do. Too many problems....that what happens when you become old. Yours, Len
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Senior Member
Hello, as @Pearshsped said hypo-natremia could be a potential cause. I am not a doctor, so I explain my own experience.
In my case, I noticed it several times after taking heavy antibiotics for months (I have no choice, having urinary TBC and severe recurring hemorragic UTIs).
I noticed because urine was not clean and my urethra, which normally burns like fire, burnt like hell, heavily worsening my symptoms. I started to drink up to 3,5 litres but nothing ...
I was always thirsty no matter how much I drank, and much more tired than normal.

I discovered it was due to mineral salts, and I resolved taking Polase (or similar integrators involving potassium, magnesium ...) and drinking orange juice.

Hope I helped you!

Thanks, Lord Randal, it was good of you to write. Yes, I have been a victim of dehydration, so I'm careful to watch out for that also. Living in a hot climate can be difficult.

You've had a particularly heavy load with all the antibiotics you've been on. I can at least keep them to a minimum. I'm fortunate that I've never been bothered with UTI's....perhaps 3 in my lifetime. Still, I know what you mean by highly concentrated urine and burning pain upon urination. And then you're back on even more antibiotics. It's interesting that the body doesn't like being messed around with, and everything can throw it out of whack, no matter if it's considered "natural" or medical.

I really hope that you're going to do better than you are now. Have you been tested for diabetes? I used to be pre-diabetes, but fortunately good eating cleared that one up for me. I've been eating oranges, a banana/day (or I try to) and must buy some Polase.....I haven't even heard of it. I used to take mg. supplements, but I think I overdid it with them...a well-rounded electrolyte is all I want now. Thanks for your input. All of it is helpful, especially when I put everyone's together. Yours, Lenora.
Dear @lenora, thank you again for the answer, you are very very kind!!!!!
I had tests for diabetes some months ago and they were negative: glucose in my blood was perfect.
However, really thank you for the suggestions ... because I have diabetic relatives and they constantly feel dehydratayed, but are not.

You catch the argument before I could write it: electrolytes are the key of my episodes of dehydratation.
Causes are antibiotics and diarrhea. When I have diarrhea (now rarely, thanks God!) I drink up to 2,5-3 litres, because it gets rid of liquids and makes urine more concentrate.

And as you said, orange (important), banana and magnesium or potassium integrators are good for that.

Thank you again, and ask me questions if I can help in some way!