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Has anyone tried Valdoxan (Agomelatine)?


Senior Member
Has anyone tried the relatively new anti-d Valdoxan (Agomelatine)? I have just been prescribed these. They're supposed to help with sleep and sleep rhythms.....would love some more info....


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I tried valdoxan for the first time last night, it did make me feel groogy but couldnt go to sleep. I eventually used some zopiclone and managed to nod off. I think it did help my sleep quality as i slept through without waking last night. Woke abit ordinary, but have done the last few days so i think is unrelated. Im not going to use it nightly but will use it again soon to judge how it works again.

hi heapsreal....i also started valdoxan(last night). my sleep is terrible last 12 months and especially last few weeks...i awake 2 hours after fall asleep feeling dizzy and after that my sleep is like crap the rest of night. can u tell me how valdoxan affect ur sleep as i see ur post is old and hope u have answers. also do u awake feeling dizzy?? i think over decade of fear is something my body can not soak anymore and during night it blows out.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
hi heapsreal....i also started valdoxan(last night). my sleep is terrible last 12 months and especially last few weeks...i awake 2 hours after fall asleep feeling dizzy and after that my sleep is like crap the rest of night. can u tell me how valdoxan affect ur sleep as i see ur post is old and hope u have answers. also do u awake feeling dizzy?? i think over decade of fear is something my body can not soak anymore and during night it blows out.
I only tried it a few times, not something i found useful.
I still use traditional type sleep meds but have found adding phosphatidyleserine (PS) has greatly improved my sleep, alot less awakening through the night, actually rarely more then 1. PS can help lower high night time cortisol which can be a problem with sleep. On its own PS isnt sedating but just helps control hormones that keep one awake.
in the mean time try some antihistamines like phenergan or doxylamine which can help u stay asleep, especially if u havent used them before.
thx h,

can u suggested some pills that helps u most. if this valdoxan will not work so i can give an idea to my therapist. he dont have experience with cfs. and what about dizziness...do u ever fell dizzy awakening during night??


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
what helps me most is zopiclone or zolpidem with an antihistamine plus the PS i mention above. if i feel a dosage has stopped working i stop using it and switch to something else altogether which helps avoid escalating doses and tolerance etc.

hope that helps,