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Happy 10th Birthday to IIME + NIH NINDS to attend conference


Senior Member
Invest in ME the small charity who have ran the annual conferences in June are 10 years old as a charity this month. It was on 3rd May 2006 they were launched.

They have achieved a huge amount with their medical conferences I am sure we all agree.

There is a birthday card to sign which we could all sign.


Other good news is that Dr Vicky Whittemore of NIH will attend the conf. IIME wrote to NIH to ask them to attend and it is excellent she will attend all the way from the USA.

For 10 years they have asked MRC, Dept of Health, England's Chief Medical Officer, Secretary State of Health and the Lancet but they rudely ignored. They are mostly across the road from the conference hall in London.

This shows that the NIH are listening to patients and willing to engage.

For past conferences see:

http://www.investinme.org/IIME International ME Conferences.htm

Can mods change title to 10th Birthday as cannot do now.
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