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Gastritis and general gut health help needed


Senior Member
add on to above: I don't know if you've ever looked into Gerson Therapy? It doesn't resonant with me completely as I need to eat meat but it may be interesting. They do claim success with ME. I think it has a good message in it.
Yes, good point. If she's not going to be serious right now I won't go further in debt if the test is going to possibly show different results in the future. She's definitely sensitive to wheat. If she eats a little bit she doesn't feel awful, but if she eats wheat three days in a row she is in pain. She knows this and the choice is hers....right now she's headed to a pizza place to be with her friends. UGH I, personally, avoid wheat.

My husband has been doing that very thing...working on making sure the foundation is tight and we are able to have a dry basement. Right now, it *isn't* dry all the time and there *is* a musty smell (which is undoubtedly mold). I never enter the basement, and maybe I'll recommend that my daughter never enter it, either, until it's completely dry and clear of any possible mold. I guess after writing this I should assume mold is adding to health challenges. :-/ I hope if you get mold testing done in your home, that things come back fine.

Thanks for the Price recommendation. I've been part of the natural and whole foods health community for a very long time (probably nearly 30 years), so I definitely know about Weston Price and his philosophy. I love the whole, natural approach he takes to foods...and that raw, unpasteurized products are highlighted. However, I'm a life-long vegetarian and my heart could never allow me to consume meat or fish. Ultimately, consuming real foods--those that are whole, from nature, not created by man or altered in any way to become less than whole, is an ideal way to eat. I know many individuals who eat that way (some vegetarian, some not), and they are all much more healthy than the general public.
Yes, my husband and I on my worst days seriously consider going further into debt to have me attend the Gerson clinic in Mexico. I'm not wild about the entire protocol, but thousands of people are healed from things like cancer, and more.

I've read mixed reviews about Gerson and Lyme, though, which is why I hesitate. Cancer, for the most part, is a dietary/lifestyle disease (I didn't say completely, but for the most part). However, eating a pure diet wasn't helpful in battling the lyme bacteria (I developed lyme while I was eating and living a very clean/pure diet and living a healthy lifestyle, also). That's why I hesitate, and one of the main reasons I decided to get DNA testing done on my family...to see what other issues may be there that we need to consider for overall balanced health.

For now, I'm hopeful that addressing gut issues first (4R steps), coupled with knowing what's going on with DNA mutations and addressing mehtylation blocks, that I'll be able to regain my health. I wish there was a one-sized fits all solution to ill health, to make it easier. I foolishly thought at one point that there was...that a whole, fresh organic diet was all that was needed.

Being a vegetarian may make me a bit different from most on this forum, but I am equally passionate about health and understanding how our bodies work and ways that we can experiment to see how our bodies respond, etc. I hope no one dismisses me with a belief that I can't heal without consuming meat. I believe we can all heal, and together we can support each other as we try to learn and find ways to do that.



Senior Member
I guess the key is to be respectful to one another :) My personal journey has been one of a childhood on very little meat and I still don't eat beef or lamb to this day. BUT not eating meat now doesn't serve me well.

I personally don't think it's necessary to go to the Gerson Clinic. I believe it is possible to do the dietary side of it at home. And, from my own experience, including the juices does help my overall well being - it's just that I don't always feel like doing the juices!

Another problem I have with Gerson is their view on fat - fat fills me up and makes me feel good! Leaving it out of my diet is not going to work for me.

I wonder if you have come across Dr Kelly and Dr Gonzalez? I like their approach to things better as it's based on metabolic typing and the idea that we need to add in pancreatic enzymes - this for me works. It also acknowledges the fact that we are individuals!

There is a lot of info out there on gluten being very detrimental to health - I wonder if your daughter would be interested in any of the books that have been written about it?

When you talk about your daughter I think back to when I was 18 and I would definitely have chosen pizza with friends over anything else! In fact I LOVE pizza! I guess each of us has our own wonderfully complex journey to navigate :)

I'm curious how you eat day to day?

I'm also wondering if this should still be in the post discussion or if I should send you a private message. I know people like the forum to be on topic :)
Okay, will try to keep on topic for each thread. This one is about gut and healing help needed. I think most of what we've shared in each comment is directly about those very things.

If I ever decide to go to the Gerson clinic, it won't be for the food preparation or the dietary education. I'm already capable of both (and when I'm in too much pain or too low in energy, I have a family who can prepare my healthy meals for me). The reason I'd go is because there is the added benefit of having blood tests done, consistent monitoring of what's going on, and then there is the huge benefit of the peace that comes from being away at a healing clinic and the ability to more easily heal mentally, emotionally, and spiritually while separated from daily life.

For my own health, right now, I am not able to consume very much raw/fresh food. My stomach can't digest it...and taking enzymes and HCL with a leaky gut isn't a good idea for many people. I was taking enzymes when I first stopped being able to digest foods (within months of the tick bite), and they ended up entering my body and digesting more than food. I was near a heart attack when I was working with some cutting-edge health scientists who ran some tests and suggested that I immediately stop taking the enzymes. My cholesterol level was very low (because my liver was overworking with the lyme bacteria, thus not producing much for my body...and my vegan diet wasn't supplying any--which wouldn't have been an issue if my liver was functioning well), so I had to add some immediately to stop the bacteria as well as the enzymes from entering cells that should have been more closed-off had my cholesterol levels been balanced.

Like you, I feel better with fats in my diet right now. When I eat too light, or too clean, my body feels too unwell (even less energy, more pains and aches, food sitting in my stomach too long, etc.). I'm hoping to learn even more about gene mutations and how they affect digestion of certain kinds of nutrients. Reading and commenting and asking questions on this forum has helped me much more than all the health courses and reading I've done over the years.

I'm familiar with Dr. Kelly's work, but more knowledgeable about Dr. Watson's work (similar...based on metabolic typing, including mental health issues directly related to metabolic disorders and the supplements that are key to each metabolic disorder). Most people can be helped with the addition of enzymes (which ones, is totally dependent on the individual's health challenges and balance in the body), but for some other issues need to be fixed, first.

After all I've been through, all I've read and learned so far, and what others have shared about their health challenges and healing protocols, it really does all come down to having a healthy gut to start with. If something compromises that healthy gut (be it a bacteria that is introduced, DNA issues, a combination of those two, or something else altogether), health starts to quickly decline. So, I'm very interested in addressing gut issues and that's why I'm asking a lot about what has worked for other people, what kinds of things we can do if we have genetic mutations that add to gut issues (like SHMT +/+ which my daughter has), etc.

I feel like I'm learning a lot, have been collecting puzzle pieces, but still haven't figured out how to put the puzzle together...too many pieces, maybe, for my skill level at this point? ;-) At least I'm fairly certain I need to start with the pieces that are going to make up the healthy gut portion of the overall picture of health.

Thanks so much for sharing, asking questions, and offering possible suggestions of things to learn about and/or try. I very much appreciate it, Plum!



p.s. My daughter was raised learning about natural living/healing and she would definitely roll her eyes at the suggestion of reading about the harms of gluten...or the suggestion to learn anything more than she's already been exposed to just by being my daughter. Part of her poor choices for diet/health could partially related to the need to break free from the way she was raised....to see and experience the other side. ;-)


Senior Member
glutamine may raise IQ and I've been taking 3-6g/day. so the gut releases neurotransmitters only when you have IBS/IBD? you can get fog and crippling cramping from that


Senior Member
Hi there,

So from what I am understanding PPI's are probably going to be the best bet for healing gastritis? Is it possible for gastritis to heal on it's own with a strict diet?

I suspect I have gastritis again. From what I now understand I had it at the start of last year. Just by looking at the results from pathology test (because my gastro notes said I didn't have gastritis. Even though I was sure when I came out of the procedure she said I had "mild gastritis". But then when I went to my GP the other day, she was like "no the notes never said you had "gastritis" only "esophagitis grade a" and "GERD". So I was confused because gastro said I had it, so I requested to see pathology results which I just got and seems to indicate that I did have "mild chemical gastrits".

Anyway, even so, about 8 weeks ago, my symptoms seemed to reappear again and so my GP put me on nexium for 6 weeks, but I stopped PPI's 10 days in because I was just reacting to everything and I don't like relying on PPI's. Instead, I thought it's probably a food intolerance and I am currently on week 6 of the strict RPAH diet. I'm still having days where I am nauseous, even on the strict diet, but much better. I just am doing the AMINES challenge (day 4) and not too bad. So I am confused if I should stick with RPAH diet and leave PPI's out for the time being, or if I do have gastritis, should be having PPI's? What could be happening, is that if I do have gastritis I am healing because of the strict RPAH diet, so the foods I am reacting to, could just be because of the gastritis.

I keep getting reoccruing gastritis, however I will admit I probably don't take they PPI's for the full 6 weeks when prescribed them.
