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FolaPro and various folate potency?


Senior Member
I'm just about to finish my bottle of Folapro and have finally run out of my "glass bottle" of Jarrow MB12.

I can say that on my latest run of SMP I did NOT have the "brightening" I had the other times where I felt super good for at least a few days. Today I actualy felt very wired and agitated. I decided to take 200 mcg of Jarrow MethylFolate (QuatraFolic) with some Enzymatic MB12 and felt much better immediately.

I also have a bottle (unopened) of Solgr Metafolin at the house.

So my question is of the various forms why would the L-5-MTHF perhaps not be as effective for me as the (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid (Jarrow) and possibly L-methylfolate-Metafolin (Solgar).

seems to think the %L_MTHF == the 6S_L_MTHF

Maybe the potency of my Folapro is questionable. Is it possible my body wants the (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid preferably?
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Senior Member
According to this page:

it seems that Metafolin is 40% more potent than Quatrefolic. See the table where it indicates that 1mg Metafolin equals 1.4mg Quatrefolic. The reason is the absorption rate which is higher in Metafolin (~76%) vs Quatrefolic (~56%).

From a subjective point of view I've tried both forms and didn't find particular differences. I also tried sublingual Quatrefolic (SeekingHealth) and did not do well on it, feeling super anxious and wired. I suspect it gets in the system too quickly and overstimulates my nervous system. Even at 800-1000mcg is too much for me. On the other hand I can tolerate 2000mcg of Metafolin without problems.



Senior Member
Subjectively I feel quatrefolic is more potent, it certainly feels more stimulating than metafolin.
Out of curiosity do you take it orally or sublingually?
I didn't find any differences with oral administration but definitely the sublingual Quatrefolic was highly stimulating for me, way too much.


Senior Member
Arizona, USA
This is timely! Thanks @adreno and @PeterPositive !
I just switched my Solgar for Piping Rock, both Metafolin, and have been feeling a lack of affect, wondering if it was due to the brands. Maybe I'll go back to Solgar first, then try Quatrefolic. So many excursions!