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Flu-like ache CAN'T BEAR IT!

Oxted, Surrey, UK
Hi has anyone got any recommendations for getting rid of flu like aches? Can deal with the dizzies, the fatigue, the weakness, but when its the flu like ache I cannot stand it. ibuprofen and paracetamol does not cut it!

When I ache like you are describing, I take a really hot bath with Epsom Salts. But some people don't tolerate them, making them weak. For me, it takes my pain away.

Hope you feel better soon!


Doing Well
Hi Cath,
sorry you are having such difficulties :(
Heat packs are good for those who don't tolerate a bath. I find good old Senega & Ammonia (pharmacies) helps settle things down so I can get some sleep. But, like most cough medicines it contains alcohol so it may not suit everyone.
(I have an intolerance to alcohol, but maybe it's the preservatives:confused:)
Analgeisc rubs like Voltaren may also help aches.


Senior Member
98% chance you are suffering from Chronic Neurotoxins.

You can try and treat the symptoms as most do; or get them out of your body. This requires a prescription for Cholestyramine powder, or Wechol tablets; this is the best way to treat because it takes a lot of stress off the body. In my experience removing the toxins is far superior to pain pills, as pills put additional toxins in your body, and the relief from removing them is far better than just symptom treatment. (Yucca Root Powder may perform the same function, but I have no personal experience with it.)

You can read a little here. http://www.chronicneurotoxins.com/ It has worked wonders for me. The doctor is a Major Ahole, but his science is sound.


Senior Member
Found out my flu like symptoms are caused by yeast. I rotate between grapefruit seed extract, caprylistat (form of caprylic acid) and cats claw and that keeps it at bay. Each supp will work for about a year, then symptoms return and I rotate to the next one.

You should know within a few days if it's going to work.


Senior Member
Los Angeles, USA
I take a warm bath that's somewhere between warm and hot.

Most of the ache is in my legs, and at some point during the bath I elevate my feet by putting them up against the opposite wall of the tub enclosure. I leave them there awhile, and it seems to help.


Senior Member
Epsom salt baths for temporary relief. Cymbalta has worked wonders for me for long-term relief of flu-like aches.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi has anyone got any recommendations for getting rid of flu like aches? Can deal with the dizzies, the fatigue, the weakness, but when its the flu like ache I cannot stand it. ibuprofen and paracetamol does not cut it!


I also use epsom salts baths--just don't try to stand up for the "cool shower" part. Sit in the tub and shower sitting down till you are cool enough not to get severe OI when you stand up.

I also find Far Infrared Saunas help immensely. I bought a home unit (a BioMat) and use it every other day.

Best wishes,


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This symptom has really ben getting me down lately to. Mine is worse if im over exerting, too mu8ch standing say or a few stretches can bring it on. I try not to take pain relief at all if i can help it - i dont want to add to my toxic burden. I find that going back to bed until it goes away and then aggressive resting helps the most - laying on the sofa, even with cushions doesnt cut it- and soemtimes i have to be dark and no talking or moving for a few hours to start to experience some relief. Yesterday it was unbearable, but after 2 hours in bed the pain had subsided. After this though and for the next few days i am usually completely wiped out.
I do hope you find some relief soon.
Justy x


Senior Member
Flu-like aches are always the first sign for my daughter and I that we're overdoing. I don't think we're alone in that. You could try cutting down your activity (including everyday activities like housework) for a month or so and see if the aches improve. By drastic, I mean cut back to 25% or even 10% of what you're currently doing. Others may suggest a lest drastic reduction... we'll see. What I certainly wouldn't do is add an exercise program if you're already getting aches.