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Fingerprint loss spreading to palm

Austin, TX
I took a good look at my palms and noticed that the loss of palm print has increased since I last took a good look. I know that my fingerprint loss started at least 20 years ago because I was fingerprinted for a job and questioned about why my fingerprints looked like I was trying to remove my fingerprints deliberately. The tips got smooth and also developed new vertical lines. The smoothing and vertical lines have gradually moved down the fingers. I was curious if anyone else has seen that.


Senior Member
southeast US
Hi Bevbh,

Not sure if you're asking only of spread of fingerprint loss to palm, which I haven't personally noticed though it could be, or simply fingerprint loss. That was one of the most amazing things to me, my fingerprints disappearing after becoming ill, one day I just noticed they were gone. Had to use a magnifying glass to see even a glimpse of them.

Mine are still not as pronounced(normal) as before, but they have recovered somewhat. Strange, isn't it. Since coming here to PR I've forgotten to ask if this is prevalent among PWC.
Austin, TX
I know that there are a lot of people with CFS who have fingerprint loss, about 50% is what I've read. I was curious if anyone else has noticed that it spread down the fingers to the palm.


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
Hi, I was always one of those patients who did not have fingerprint loss - until now. The centre areas of my fingertips are now smooth, but the outer areas are normal. It seems that over time some who did not have this symptom might develop it. Bye, Alex


Senior Member
yorkshire/lancashire border, England
Oh my goodness I have checked and they are gone :worried: I once read on PR about the half moons disappearing from fingernails and I looked, those gone too :scared: Does this mean we could commit crime and no one would know it was us???? (THIS WAS A JOKE for anyone from the psycho fraternity peeking in.) I know the PR community know humour. Thats what tells us apart. :Sign giggle:

What I had noticed are hundreds of really fine lines all over the palms of my hands and also the vertical lines on my fingers. Im guessing that there is no medical explanation, is there?? That its just another manifestation of our false illness beliefs, magical disappearing finger prints. :innocent1:
