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Filing a complaint against my local hospital. Are all my complaints justified?


Senior Member
Logan, Queensland, Australia
There are consequences to fighting the system. However with a disease for which there are no effective treatments there is not much of a downside in the short term involving complaint processes, at least in my experience.

I have even taken legal steps against our federal Health Minister and a regulatory body in medicine in the past, claiming discrimination. For me there was no downside except that I failed to even get a hearing.

What I want to know, and this is really a rhetorical question, is how come poor medical treatment is OK if "everyone else is doing it". That is what established procedures are, the "everyone else" argument. Poor treatment is poor treatment, regardless of guidelines, procedures, recommendations, or whatever. Sadly poor treatment is currently the "norm" for ME and CFS, and if a doctor chooses other options they are often labelled as quacks.

Dr Barry Marshall, who shared the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2005, was treated very much as a quack. Now his treatment for H. pylori induced ulcers is standard around the world. Maverick doctors often advance the profession, but they always face massive resistance. Of course some Maverick doctors are just dangerous, but this is a case by case basis, not a sweeping claim.