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Exhaustion overwhelming

do u guys find the exhaustion physical, mental, emotional and spiritual? I can't believe how overwhelming it is. It's like I'm not in this world. I can't cry but the depth of emotional exhaustion is beyond words. How do you cope when you feel like this?


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I don't know how I cope, but somehow I do and im sure you will too. Sorry its so tough right now. The irony is that if I do cry it causes severe PEM so I try and avoid it at all costs - which makes me want to cry...


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Yes its exhausting on every level, I'm so exhausted I don't even carry out my spiritual practices that I feel I should and would like to be doing... and at times are too exhausted to cry as justy said, it can cause PEM, at which point get so I'm more like a zombie or completely shut down.

coping, I cope cause there is no choice but to cope thou I do think Ive had a few moment of craziness due to not coping well at all eg one time I went to set myself alight to remove myself from this place due to not being able to cope.
That's how i feel completely shut down. And I think what's the point in living like this when there is no joy. I can't remember the last time I felt happy, or even content. Just exhaustion pain or anxiety.sorry to be so negative


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
My bed is in a corner. I lie down on my bed, w/ a book. Maybe I read, maybe I drift. Everything about life is exhausting, including watching people, eg in films, doing normal things. I find that the essence of mindfulness, being in this moment, rather than the past or future, relieves the feelings of desperation. I've had to work at building a *spiritual* scaffolding, a way of looking at the world, that brings me back from the brink of wanting escape. Music helps. Joy becomes something different from what it was when I was well.

Sorry for such a clumsy expression, sorry for your current situation. And I've been amazed, over and over again, when desperate feelings disappeared, with enough sleep, or the correct nutrients, or some small thing.
My bed is in a corner. I lie down on my bed, w/ a book. Maybe I read, maybe I drift. Everything about life is exhausting, including watching people, eg in films, doing normal things. I find that the essence of mindfulness, being in this moment, rather than the past or future, relieves the feelings of desperation. I've had to work at building a *spiritual* scaffolding, a way of looking at the world, that brings me back from the brink of wanting escape. Music helps. Joy becomes something different from what it was when I was well.

I would be interested to know how you built the spiritual scaffolding. I find being in the moment nothingness right now - maybe it's the exhaustion but I lay and try and listen or look about the room and there is just a nothingness - it's hard to explain.


Senior Member

Exhaustion is bad and the emotional one is worse. Don't give up, I know it's hard. You are the third person in the forum tonight, I shall be thinking and wishing you well.
It's easy to say and difficult to do, but try to concentrate healing, getting better and caring your own self. I wish all the good health to come to your way.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
I would be interested to know how you built the spiritual scaffolding. I find being in the moment nothingness right now - maybe it's the exhaustion but I lay and try and listen or look about the room and there is just a nothingness - it's hard to explain.
Not hard to understand that nothingness.

I had a meditation practice and spiritual orientation before ME. During the years since, I've had to re-build something that worked for me. A couple years ago I fell into a hole when trying to sort through boxes from my past. I needed a lot of help to get out of that hole, am linking a couple resources I found. I needed something a lot more than *it's all for a reason*, or *all is good*. I needed to find an understanding not of "why me?", but, how can I deal with this inability to be part of the world.... I found what works for me, I hope you can, too. :hug:

I have not listened to these 2 audio meditations.

http://thedailymeditation.com/meditaton-for-grief-how-to-overcome-grief/ 19”

http://www.fragrantheart.com/cms/free-audio-meditations/healing/grief-and-loss 25”

http://www.meditationoasis.com/podcast/listen-to-podcast/ many meditations available, including below, 20” Grief meditation

http://hwcdn.libsyn.com/p/f/e/1/fe1...49168616&hwt=f6aeeba2c86d5cd7362dce3fabe8391a 20” Grief meditation from the above, meditationoasis




