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EEG a possible diagnostic tool?


Tom Kindlon posted this on co-cure today

While I don't understand all the specifics, I gather it's another piece of research showing physical differences, in this case in EEGS, between people with ME/CFS and healthy controls.

3 things I liked on top of that:

a) they used the Fukuda definition,

b) they had patients referred by (I assume treating) doctors, although found it a bit odd that they were rheumatologists and internists

b) that there was a very high correlation rate "a minimum correct retrospective classification rate of 72% in both frequency bands while the subjects were at rest to a maximum of 83% in the alpha band during the verbal cognitive condition."

Could this be developed into a diagnostic tool?

EEG source analysis of chronic fatigue syndrome

Psychiatry Res. [Epub ahead of print]

Flor-Henry P, Lind JC, Koles ZJ.

Alberta Hospital Edmonton, Box 307, Edmonton, Edmonton
(My NOTE: Probably Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)

[TK: This was one paragraph but I've added line breaks]

Sixty-one dextral, unmedicated women with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
diagnosed according to the Fukuda criteria (1994) and referred for
investigation by rheumatologists and internists were studied with
quantitative EEG (43 channels) at rest with eyes open and during verbal and
spatial cognitive activation.

The EEGs from the patients were compared with recordings from 80 dextral
healthy female controls.

Only those subjects who could provide 20 1-s artefact-free segments of EEG
were admitted into the study.

The analysis consisted of the identification of the spatial patterns in the
EEGs that maximally differentiated the two groups and the estimation of the
cortical source distributions underlying these patterns.

Spatial patterns were analyzed in the alpha (8-13Hz) and beta (14-20Hz)
bands and the source distributions were estimated using the Borgiotti-Kaplan
BEAMFORMER algorithm.

The results indicate that the spatial patterns identified were effective in
separating the two groups, providing a minimum correct retrospective
classification rate of 72% in both frequency bands while the subjects were
at rest to a maximum of 83% in the alpha band during the verbal cognitive

Underlying cortical source distributions showed significant differences
between the two groups in both frequency bands and in all cognitive

Lateralized cortical differences were evident between the two groups in the
both frequency bands during both the verbal and spatial cognitive

During these active cognitive conditions, the CFS group showed significantly
greater source-current activity than the controls in the left
frontal-temporal-parietal regions of the cortex.

PMID: 20006474 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]




This is quite intriuging.

My question would this

There are literallly tens of thousands of EEG
test results in digital format avalible to researchers

Are the Test Results for the CFS GROUP
statistcally uncommon when compared against a
large database of EEG test results ?

Are the results similar to or identical to any sub group of
folks who have had EEGs ?

I have no idea what the answer would be, but I feel certian
the answer would be darn interesting