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Drop in IQ


Senior Member
The sad thing is just walking around it's unlikely one would ever know others are having such difficulty.

Forgetting who you are at Wallmart could be very scary. :eek:) Geeze. There is a website for this, in case you hadn't noticed.

My recurring nightmare used to be getting buried in a room full of pennies and I had to count everyone of them. It seemed like the pennies rose to I got to my chin at least once before I woke up.

Hi Mark,

Were you an accountant? My husband is an accountant and he is constantly counting everything around him. It's like an obsession. He'll go into a room full of people and he "needs" to count how many people are present. He does this with everything.


Senior Member
Victoria, Australia
I haven't read all the messages in this thread but in Osler's Web which I have just finished reading there are numerous references to loss of IQ in M.E. patients. Cheney and Peterson found it all the time in the '80's.
Hi Neilk.

Oh boy. Your husband might enjoy my penny nightmare!

I was a Mechanical Design Engineer. Would design fixtures, mechanisms, automation, etc...All the way from concept to ordering parts and assembling/testing the first prototypes. My dream job basically. Some of the stuff was so fun they probably didn't have to pay me, but I never told them that. :O)

I enjoy following finance on TV though.

Can't plan my shopping list now, so needless to say it would be a real struggle to create a bill of materials. :O)


Senior Member
Hi Neilk.

Oh boy. Your husband might enjoy my penny nightmare!

I was a Mechanical Design Engineer. Would design fixtures, mechanisms, automation, etc...All the way from concept to ordering parts and assembling/testing the first prototypes. My dream job basically. Some of the stuff was so fun they probably didn't have to pay me, but I never told them that. :O)

I enjoy following finance on TV though.

Can't plan my shopping list now, so needless to say it would be a real struggle to create a bill of materials. :O)

You are right Mark. Your nightmare would be my husband's dream!
Your past engineering job sounds very interesting and creative. Hopefully, one day you will feel well enough to go back to it