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Dont anybody move: Ive got a retrovirus.


Senior Member
NYC (& RI)
We could rob banks to support WPI!


They may not carry the threat of immediate death that a gun or knife would, but nonetheless they are the words every bank employee most dreads hearing uttered by a cloaked stranger on the other side of the money trench. Dont anybody move: Ive got a retrovirus. What choice does a teller have but to comply?

It was this terror that prompted a Longmont, Colorado bank teller to do precisely as she was told when a woman approached the tellers wicket and slipped her a note claiming she had AIDS.

She indicated she would give it to the teller if she didnt co-operate, explained a Longmont Police spokesman. To support her claim, the suspect repeatedly coughed into a handkerchief. No weapon was shown and the perp offered no clarification on how shed get the HIV into the teller should she try anything funny. Blind with fear, the teller handed over a bag containing an unspecified amount of money and the woman fled.

Police are looking for a woman between the ages of 55 and 75, 5-foot-6 and between 130 and 140 pounds, who may or may not be sick and was described as being bony and pale.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Add this threat to the boon of having no or compromised fingerprints, and away we go!
